Release of new functionality for SSC600 – centralized protection and control for distribution substations

2020-11-12 Release announcement

We are pleased to announce the release of new functionality for ABB Ability™ smart substation control and protection for electrical systems SSC600. Centralizing all protection and control functionality in one device on substation level reduces network complexity and supports optimal, lifelong asset management for the digital substation. With only one device to modify, upgrading the entire substation system is easy. So is adaptation to changing protection requirements with a fully modular software. In addition, SSC600 offers continuous access to new software developments. This way SSC600 can benefit from the very latest technological advancements within protection and control to be able to guarantee an always up-to-date substation system. Combined with merging units, SSC600 offers a unique, IEC 61850-compliant, centralized protection and control solution.

SSC600 now introduces support for the remote communication protocol IEC 60870-5-104 which allows direct connection to an upper-level system, such as SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), without a gateway in between. The ability to communicate directly with the control center instead of via an external gateway reduces the number of network components, which makes it a cost-effective choice. With less components in the substation system, the amount of engineering is also reduced. In addition, configuration of gateways usually requires special skills, whereas adopting IEC 60870-5-104 is both fast and easy. IEC 60870-5-104 is configured using the same familiar setting and configuration tool, PCM600, which is used for configuring not only SSC600 but the whole range of Relion® products.


What’s new?

  • Support for IEC 60870-5-104 for power system automation
    • For up to 5 clients
    • Configurable with Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600
  • Improved IEEE 1588 v2 PTP compatibility with various external network components
  • New inverse-time characteristic simulating rectifier bridge for overcurrent protection

Product range

  • Smart substation control and protection SSC600


  • Centralized protection and control in one single device for reduced network complexity
  • Easy and efficient process management with station-wide process visibility
  • Extensive application coverage with one device for flexibility and optimal
  • Ready-made application packages for convenient and smooth ordering
  • Fully modular software for maximum flexibility throughout the substation’s entire life cycle
  • Easy adaption to changing network protection requirements
  • Continuous access to the latest software and hardware developments
  • Fast, easy and cost-effective substation system upgrade with centralized protection and control solution
  • Designed to support the increasing digitalization of substations
  • Same IEC 61850-compliant setting and configuration tool – PCM600 – as for the Relion® family of relays

Main features

  • IEC 61850-compliant communication and interoperability between substation automation devices
  • Centralized protection and control in one single device for the entire substation
  • Capability to protect and control up to 20 bays
  • Protection functionality for feeder, motor and transformer applications
  • Comprehensive Web HMI (human-machine interface) including station-wide HMI functionalities
  • Disturbance recordings for the entire substation
  • IEC 61850-3-certified with inbuilt redundancy and self-supervision
  • Extensive digital services throughout the substation’s entire lifecycle

Target markets

SSC600 is targeted at the global market for medium-voltage protection and control applications.

Supported languages

SSC600 is available in English. Additional languages will be announced later.