The Roll@xA Optimize software is a pass schedule planning and setup calculation system incorporating a mathematical model for the reduction process in a rolling mill. Based upon specified coil data such as alloy, strip width, entry and exit thickness, the reduction is distributed optimally over several pass. The Roll@xA Optimize solution is fully inegrated in ABB's CPM4Metals Collaborative Production Management System for rolling mills.
The setup calculation determines all rolling mill preset values, for example for roll force, position and flatness. The adaption module re-calculates and continuously improves these preset values.
- Generation of pass schedules
- Calculation of the plant preset values (speed, tension, roll force, position, bending, crown, etc.)
- Reduction of the off gauge lengths
- Optimization of the strip quality and throughput
- Minimization of non-rolling time
The Roll@xA Optimize solution is fully inegrated in ABB's CPM4Metals Collaborative Production Management System for rolling mills including
- Order Management
- Preset Management
- Material Tracking
- Roll Management
- Equipment Monitoring
- Production and Quality Reports