
Flying free in Latvia

Huge fans driven by motors from ABB have kept thousands of people suspended high in the air with no visible means of support. It’s all part of humankind’s age-old dream of flying.

When you’re in the business of suspending people high above the ground, floating on a cushion of air, safety is going to be your top concern.

“Our priority is safety, so we chose the best motors in the industry,” field electrical engineer Janis Manguss says. “Our cooperation with ABB started in 2009 when we built this tunnel in Sigulda. “We decided to cooperate with a company that offers safe motors and excellent, fast service.”


Customer Aerodium
Location Riga, Latvia
Industry HVAC
Motors and Generators deliveries 9 pcs Process performance 800 kW motors
Keys to success global presence, local support, efficient and safe products

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