ABB Ability™ LEAP (Life Expectancy Analysis Program) is an advanced solution for analyzing the condition and expected lifetime of the stator winding insulation – the most uptime critical component in high voltage motors and generators. 

Below you can find the most frequently asked questions and answers.

ABB Ability™ LEAP

What is ABB Ability™ LEAP?

ABB Ability LEAP is an advanced service for analyzing the condition and expected lifetime of the stator winding insulation in HV motors and generators ( 5kV).

Our service includes:

  • measurements with specially developed LEAP equipment
  • data analysis with unique analytical tools to identify, characterize and quantify defects in the insulation
  • prediction of when the system’s condition might become vulnerable/critical
  • presentation of the results with optimized maintenance plans and recommendations

Apart from the above, the report offers advice on short and long-term maintenance actions, allowing customers to plan well in advance and avoid costly emergency stops.

Why should you perform a LEAP analysis?

ABB Ability LEAP will help you optimize maintenance by moving from a time-based to a condition-based prioritization and planning program. The results from ABB Ability LEAP will help customers select actions and plan when they should take place.

Key benefits for the customer are:

  • Early warning - provides adequate time for maintenance planning
  • Optimize maintenance planning – enables you to move from time-based to condition-based maintenance
  • Reduced cost of ownership (COO) – supports efforts to extend lifetime and thereby increase return on investment (ROI)
  • Better decision-making – facilitates decision-making on short and long term maintenance and run/repair/retrofit/replace options
  • Improved risk mitigation – minimizes unplanned downtime by reducing risk levels
  • Comprehensive HV coverage – can be used on your entire HV fleet, including non-ABB motors and generators

What is the output from ABB Ability™ LEAP?

The output from ABB Ability LEAP is a report containing the results and findings from the analysis. Short and long-term recommendations from ABB are clearly stated so that the customer can have ample time to plan for the required maintenance (or rewinding/replacement).

How can maintenance be planned using ABB Ability™ LEAP?

ABB Ability LEAP helps to establish a fingerprint with a single occasion of measurements using our unique analysis algorithm. The parameters derived from this analysis can be used for life expectancy calculations and then integrated with the maintenance levels. Based on the ABB Ability LEAP report recommendations, customers can schedule short or long-term maintenance well in advance.

What is the advantage with ABB Ability™ LEAP in comparison to competitor solutions?

Traditional measurements look at values such as Insulation Resistance (IR), Polarization Index (PI), and Tan δ, whereas ABB Ability LEAP examines the point of strength aspects of insulation. ABB Ability LEAP is a unique service program that combines the analysis of DC and AC measurements, characterizes and quantifies defects in the insulation. Furthermore, ABB Ability LEAP will predict the remaining lifetime of the stator winding insulation – key to long-term maintenance plans.

What kind of motors or generators can LEAP measure/analyze?

ABB Ability LEAP can be used on high voltage (>5kV) motors and generators regardless of the manufacturer. For motors and generators below 5kV, ABB can offer Condition Assessment (without life Expectancy) as an alternative.

Can the LEAP kit be used online?

LEAP’s measurements are taken when the motor/generator is offline and cooled down.

What tests are performed when using the LEAP kit?

ABB Ability LEAP Standard is the most common service we perform and includes:

  • Polarization Depolarization Current Analysis
  • Tan Delta and Capacitance Analysis
  • Non-Linear Insulation Behavior Analysis
  • Partial Discharge Analysis
  • Stator Winding Resistance measurement

Will the ABB Ability™ LEAP service be offered only by ABB workshops/field service personnel?

The ABB Ability LEAP service program can be offered by ABB or an approved service partner.

Do you have any references for this service?

The ABB Ability LEAP service was introduced to the market in 2006 and our database now includes over 10,000 measurements. Equipment is stationed in more than 40 countries and therefore the service is available to clients across the world, no matter where their site is based.
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