In grid we trust

In grid we trust

As more renewable energy sources are incorporated into the grid, the intermittency of supply and increased system complexity requires the electricity grid to evolve. By modernizing infrastructure and reinforcing the grid to enhance resilience, efficiency and security of supply, a more sustainable energy system is possible.

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Paolo Perani ABB Distribution Solutions Sustainability, Electrification Dalmine, Italy,    

Although natural fluctuations in atmospheric CO₂ concentrations occuring prior to industrialization are well-documented [1], the relentless increase over the past two centuries due to anthropogenic activity, especially over the last 5 decades, is alarming [2,3] →01. This combined with a predicted growth rate of around 2.05 ppm CO₂ annually [2] has propelled policy makers to act. This is reflected in the legally binding treaty: the Paris Agreement and initiatives from the UN’s Climate Change Conference (COP26, and COP27) [4-6], that address decarbonization.  

  • 01a The diagram shows the atmospheric CO₂ concentrations, sourced from NOAA and ETHZ, and CO₂ emissions, sourced from the Global Carbon Project and Our World in Data, from 1780 through 2021 [2].
  • 01b The mean monthly atmospheric CO₂ concentrations measured between 1960 and 2021 at the Mauna Loa measuring station of NOAA. The concentration of 414.72 ppm measured in 2021 combined with the available historical data during the past five decades indicate the need for action to reduce emissions [2].

01 The diagrams show the changes in atmospheric CO₂ concentrtions and emissions (measured and calculated) over time.

While these commitments are laudable, recent studies indicate that not enough is being done. Despite the nearly 3 giga ton decrease in CO₂ emissions observed during 2020, due to COVID restrictions, emission concentrations are in line with the pre-COVID trajectory [2,3] →01.  

What more can be done to lower CO₂ emissions on a global scale? With more than 80 percent of CO₂ emissions derived from the three top sources of global energy: coal, oil and natural gas [7], it follows that switching to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, etc. would enable decarbonization, right? Well, yes, but only in part. The fact might not be dominating the world’s media yet, but without reinforcing the electric grid to accommodate this new renewable generation and distribution reality, energy from wind turbines, roof-top solar panels, or electric vehicles (EV) would be unusable. For electricity generation, transmission, delivery and security of supply to be stable, as the electric load increases, a modern reinforced grid is critical. This grid is the silent enabler of a more sustainable energy system. ABB, its partners in industry, and utilities, are examining this massive challenge to provide solutions.  

02 Illustration of CO₂ emissions in billions of tons for various industries from 1780 to 2021. The low levels of CO₂ are notable for all industries (eg, wind solar hydrologic and nuclear power generation) except for coal, oil and natural gas [7].
02 Illustration of CO₂ emissions in billions of tons for various industries from 1780 to 2021. The low levels of CO₂ are notable for all industries (eg, wind solar hydrologic and nuclear power generation) except for coal, oil and natural gas [7].

Remixing the energy mix
In 2022, the EU presented RePower Europe: a plan to diversify energy sources, and save energy while expanding the use of renewable energy [8]. The goal is to bring total renewable energy generation capacities to 1,236 GW by 2030 or to 45 percent of the energy mix [8].  

According to the International Energy Agency, for every Euro invested in renewable sources, more than one Euro must be invested in infrastructure and services to transport the energy produced. There is little value in placing wind turbines where the wind blows strongest – off the coast – if the electric grid is incapable of transporting the energy produced to the populated areas where it is needed [9].  

The challenge is to connect these variable energy sources to the electricity grid, transmit the electricity in the necessary form to where it is needed, when it is needed reliably, safely, and efficiently. ABB provides technology and systems to ensure that the electricity grid evolves to a more sustainable energy system or a “decarbonized grid” one that can include distributed energy resources (DER) and efficient storage to handle this new reality →03-04.  

This requires:
• Grid stability and the need to maintain a stable frequency with variable supply;
• Grid extensions to facilitate electrification, power system resilience and security of supply;
• Grid digitalization and smart monitoring to improve service level, the performance of existing and legacy assets, and efficiency.  

03 Illustration of a fully electrified city complete with solar power plants (both on- and off shore), production facility for the energy carrier ie, hydrogen, data centers, storage facilities, and smart technology for integration, etc.
03 Illustration of a fully electrified city complete with solar power plants (both on- and off shore), production facility for the energy carrier ie, hydrogen, data centers, storage facilities, and smart technology for integration, etc.

Switching to renewable power
The electric grid was based on a top-down transmission system, characterized by unidirectional energy flows from large centralized power plants. As renewable power generation grows, big fossil-fuel plants are removed; the grid becomes more decentralized, less stable and prone to voltage fluctuations. Consisting of generation from large solar power plants or wind farms, distributed energy resources (DER), photo voltaics (PV), micro-grids, and a variety of renewable sources are connected to the distribution grid – requiring bi-directional energy and communication flow – a smart network.  

While many renewable energy generators convert DC to AC electricity for grid compatibility, conventional gas or coal power plants connect directly to the grid via large synchronous generators (eg, of 50–500 MW) with rotating masses capable of providing inertia in case power demand spikes. Renewables, with lower system inertia and voltage swings, require unique, flexible technology for regulating, controlling and monitoring to ensure grid stability and resilience – a challenge that demands innovative solutions. For instance, by adding a variety of different forms of renewable energy resources as well as other features, eg, storage, to the grid [10], the electric grid can be decarbonized while resilience is increased; this is increasingly critical as more heating and transportation loads switch to electric.  

Meeting the challenges
As a global leader in electric products and solutions, ABB develops new technologies and systems that enable the integration of renewable energy resources, improve electric grid functionality, resilience and stability [10-13] →03 to support decarbonization. Collaborating with electricity producers and consumers, for instance, ABB develops improvements for industrial loads, eg, highly efficient motors coupled with drives; technology for green steel production (circuit breakers for arc furnaces and magnetic stirrers); products and solutions for hydrogen production, eg, substations, rectifiers, DC busducts, measuring devices, control systems etc.→04. Focus areas that warrant special attention are:
• Utility integration of renewables with smart grid technology and distribution
• Data centers
• Electrification of domestic loads
• Smart building management
• Connections for e-mobility
• Energy storage systems
• Electrification of factories.  

04 This schematic illustrates the holistic approach to the reinforcement of the electric grid, from MV generation to HV transmission, the necessary processes and equipment, switchgear, transformers etc. and digital smart solutions etc. needed until the electricity reaches the load or storage.
04 This schematic illustrates the holistic approach to the reinforcement of the electric grid, from MV generation to HV transmission, the necessary processes and equipment, switchgear, transformers etc. and digital smart solutions etc. needed until the electricity reaches the load or storage.

Integration of renewables with the smart grid
Despite the rush to develop renewable technology, the integration of the generated energy into the grid is a key concern. For successful integration, components and systems must function flawlessly and simultaneously →04-05. Increased complexity and interdependency can increase risk of disruption; this necessitates innovative technologies for electrification, automation and digitalization. By providing power electronics to convert renewable generated DC electricity to grid-compatible AC electricity; synchronous condensers to support the grid with short-circuit power, inertia and reactive power [12]; and switchgear with advanced digital technology to harness the power of data, ABB is fostering the seamless integration of renewables [13-15].  

05 A secondary distribution application illustrating loop control and the so-called self-healing network, which is important for the future of the electric grid as more renewables are added.
05 A secondary distribution application illustrating loop control and the so-called self-healing network, which is important for the future of the electric grid as more renewables are added.

For instance, wind parks typically consist of many turbines, each generating a voltage of less than 1 kV; a transformer, to step up to medium voltage (MV) and switchgear, eg, ABB’s bespoke modular gas insulated switchgear (GIS) SafePlus, up to 40.5 kV, which can be used to connect with the wind park grid [11]. Larger wind turbines, generating up to 15 MW, connect directly to the wind park network. The electricity is transferred to a transformer substation where the MV is stepped up to high voltage (HV), to reduce losses, for transport to the main electricity grid →04.  

Moreover, as the renewable source is fed into the main grid by step-up transformers and MV distribution boards, ABB’s UniGear ZS1 switchgear with VD4G circuit breakers [13,14], assures reliable protection of generators and transformers →04, by clearing short-circuit faults rapidly, preventing system and component damage.  

In addition to its use in power plants and on- and off-shore platforms for primary distribution (up to 24 kV, 4,000 A, 63 kA) [13], such switchgear can support secondary distribution applications and MV motor control, eg, in utility substations, ships, rail, and a range of industrial applications →04, to maintain a secure power supply. Combined with ABB Ability™ digital solutions for automation and control, these switchgear solutions help to make the electric grid smarter by enhancing the bidirectional flow of data [13] →04.  

Fault control in ring networks [13-16] →05 is also important as the trend toward distributed generation increases: Here, loop control and automation ensure rapid fault recovery. Such “self-healing networks” ensure continuity and reliability of power, which is so crucial wherever power disruptions can cause severe challenges, eg, hospitals, urban areas, etc.  

To support power distribution and motor control on the LV-side, LV switchgear, eg, ABB’s MNS [17], and control gear can integrate feeders, motor starters, variable speed drives (VSDs), power factor compensation, and uninterrupted power supply (UPS) technology for efficiency, reliability and safety →04-05. Integrated data collection, analysis and monitoring for electric systems provide intelligent control for smarter grid integration, eg, ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring [17] →04.  

Keeping data centers running
As the backbone of our digitalized era, data centers are growing in size and power rapidly. They must be continuously “up” and operate sustainably. Behind the scenes, a UPS eg, HiPerGuard MV [18,19], helps keep servers and infrastructure operating smoothly and more sustainably [18]. The UPS converts some of its stored DC power to AC in case a power outage occurs. This allows the data center to run until the disruption is resolved or emergency diesel generators can supply power.  

Electrification of domestic loads
In addition to protecting loads in data centers, the electric grid must cope with the need to install greener heating systems, eg, heat pumps. While circuit breakers facilitate the successful integration of heat pumps reliably and safely, eg, ABB’s SACE Tmax XT series [20], power needs will increase. Consider an apartment building, with 30 apartments heated by gas, each apartment uses 3 kW electricity, if all 30 apartments switch to a heat pump, each apartment would require 6 kW – or double. Consequently, the building’s LV electric distribution network must be reinforced and, at the utility level, more MV to LV substations must be installed →03.  

Smarter energy management
Efficiency can also be improved by monitoring and controlling the supply and demand of electricity. By including a smart energy and asset manager such as ABB Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager [21], for in-depth analysis, reporting, predictive maintenance and bi-directional communication, buildings can improve asset utilization, system reliability, efficiency and stability 1,2. Additionally, monitoring and control systems eg, ABB ZEE600, can simultaneously maximize the use of renewable power (roof-top PV) by performing peak shaving of electrical loads, as do EV charging stations – demonstrated at ABB’s state-of-the-art factory in Xiamen [22].  

Connections for e-mobility
With ever more people transitioning to EVs, by 2040, between 340 and 490 million chargers will be needed globally, with home chargers dominant, This will impact the electricity grid. Infrastructure must be expanded to handle the resulting increased load [23-25] →03-04.  

While residential customers might use LV AC charging stations, (taking 12-30 hours to charge with up to 40-80 kWh vehicle battery pack), more customers are switching to DC fast chargers, eg, Terra family of chargers (20 to 180 kW) with an output voltage up to 920 VDC, reducing time-to-charge. Despite this impressive capability, even faster chargers would be desirable. As more heavy-duty industrial Etrucks take to the road, multiple super-fast charging stations will be needed to ensure the continuing decarbonization of transportation while improving operational efficiency; ABB provides this and the electric infrastructure needed to deliver this power to connect to the MV network [24,25].  

Energy storage
Ensuring continuity of supply to the electric grid and maintaining stability requires that some renewably-sourced power be stored, but how [26,27] →03-04?  

Mobile phones, computers and EVs rely on Li-ion batteries to store energy due to the technology's high energy density [26] →03-04, which features an efficiency between 90 and 95 percent and a discharge-on-demand of 95 percent. But Lithium is flammable, geographically constrained and must be mined for battery production, eg, NMC Li-ion batteries – prompting environmental, safety, cost and supply concerns [26]. Contrastingly, sodium-based batteries (NIBs) are non-flammable, have a ubiquitous source, are environmentally benign and are thus enable a more sustainable electric energy storage system [26]. With 90 percent efficiency, and a high discharge-on-demand, but a low energy density, NIBs are increasingly preferable in many applications – rooftop PV applications – where weight and volume constraints are not important [27].  

Despite this trend, HV Li-ion batteries are still relevant for storage in solar power plants: 600 VDC, 1,000 VDC and 1,500 VDC [28]. Typically deployed alongside utility-scale solar installations, utility-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) can match the input DC voltages of the inverters and converters (1,500 VDC input from PV) [28]. Such deployment can stabilize the grid while ensuring security of supply.  

To foster sustainability, the production of NIBs with an energy density comparable to that of Li-ion batteries could be advantageous for large-scale grid energy storage [29]: Recently, experts found that high-voltage and high-capacity cathodes provide a means to produce rare earth element-free NIBs to do just that [29].  

Electric modernization of an ABB factory
By combining smart, connected building energy and asset management systems with electric-powered HVAC systems, storage, and e-mobility connections, ABB demonstrates how to make the electric grid more sustainable, while ensuring stability and reliability. ABB’s manufacturing site in Dalmine, Italy , is a low-carbon production site – a Mission to ZeroTM site² [30] →06.  

06 ABB’s 45,000 m² MV circuit breaker and switchgear factory in Dalmine Italy is an example of how to reach decarbonization of the grid by maximizing roof-top solar panels, etc.
06 ABB’s 45,000 m² MV circuit breaker and switchgear factory in Dalmine Italy is an example of how to reach decarbonization of the grid by maximizing roof-top solar panels, etc.

Already supplied with 100 percent green energy from renewable sources certified by Enel Green Power, three factory buildings were fitted with 4,000 m² PV panels in 2020 →06. A peak power of 900 kWp is generated, which provides around 25 percent of the factory’s electricity needs. This balances peaks in demand from air conditioning during the summer [30]. ABB Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager now monitors energy consumption to identify inefficiencies and highlight energy saving opportunities: for example, outdoor lighting has been replaced with high efficiency LED lamps, reducing energy consumption by 76,000 kWh per year, which is the energy needed to recharge the growing fleet of electric vehicles.  

Despite the significance of steps taken to decarbonize the grid as discussed in this paper, the news media typically highlights only the stars among the renewables: solar panels, wind turbines and EVs. And yet, it is important to keep in mind that without the electricity network, these stars could not shine. A modern and reinforced electric smart grid is required for the connection of these energy sources to their respective loads. ABB along with their partners can help make this happen, thereby enabling a more sustainable energy system.

[1] International Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Basis”, IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[2] R. Lindsey, ”Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide”, NOAA Climate Website, June 22, 2022, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[3] F. Apadula et al., “Thirty Years of Atmospheric CO₂ Observations at the Plateau Rosa Station, Italy”, in Atmosphere, 2019,10, 418, pp. 1-21.  
[4] The United Nations, “The Paris Agreement”, 2016 Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[5] United Nations “The Glasgow Climate Pact”, United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 26, Available : [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[6] United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 27, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[7] Our World in Data Website “Coal, Oil, and gas where do CO₂ emissions come from?” based on Global Carbon Project, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 4811-4900, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[8] The European Commission, “REPowerEU: Affordable, Secure, and Sustainable Energy for Europe”, 2023, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[9] International Energy Agency, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[10] J. Bonnett, “Dartmouth Engineering study shows renewable energy will enhance power grid’s resilience”, 2021, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]
[11] ABB Website, “SafePlus Gas Insulated Switchgear”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[12] C. Nilsson, “Grid support”, in ABB Review, 1/2023, pp. 66-71.  
[13] ABB Website, “IEC Air Insulated Switchgear UniGear”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[14] ABB Website, “IEC/IEEE vacuum generator circuit breaker vd4g” Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[15] ABB Website, “IEC Air-insulated Secondary Switchgear UniSec”, Available:  [Accessed June 11, 2023.]
[16] ABB Website, “Loop Control Solutions”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[17] ABB Website, “Fully IEC Certified and Verified Low Voltage Switchgear Assembly”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[18] ABB Website, “HiPerGuard”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[19] A. Tapp et al., “Powering Sustainability” in ABB Review 04/2022, pp. 8-13.  
[20] ABB Website, “SACE Tmax XT”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[21] ABB Website, “ABB Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[22] ABB Website “ABB Ability™ Electrification Monitoring and Control ZEE600”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[23] T. Swallow, “ABB releases new home charger and critical EV market data”, in EV Magazine, 2023, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[24] ABB Website, “Heavy-duty truck charging”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[25] Bloomberg BEF Website, “Electric Vehicle Outlook 2022”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[26] S. Lilley, “Sodium-ion Batteries: Inexpensive and Sustainable Energy Source”, Faraday Insights, 2021, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[27] DOE, Sandia National Laboratory, “Batteries for Grid Storage: New molten sodium batteries operate at lower temperatures using low-cost materials” in Science Daily, 2021, Available: https://www.sciencedaily com/releases/­2021/07/­210721120651.htm [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[28] ABB Website, “Battery Energy Storage Systems BESS”, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]  
[29] H. Hirsch et al., “Sodium-Ion Batteries Paving the Way for Grid Energy Storage” in Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, Vol 10 (32), p. 2001274.  
[30] ABB Website, “ABB cools its Dalmine Factory with solar power”, 2019, Available: [Accessed June 11, 2023.]

Photo: ©Soonthorn/


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