Let's unravel HVACR complexities with Tim R. Skell!
Our expert, Tim R. Skell, spent almost 3 years sharing his expertise in the #FunFactFriday series on LinkedIn. Now, we are giving him a forum to exchange news, knowledge, and passion for HVACR technologies in the new ABB column.
Join the discussion with Tim R. Skell on LinkedIn to read other fun facts and share ideas!

Did you know adding a choke/reactor in front of the drive can cut the harmonics in half? Did you know if you use active front-end (Ultra-low harmonic) drives you essentially don’t need to worry about harmonics in HVACR or Water and Wastewater applications?
The video below is of me walking through the ABB harmonics demonstrator at a tradeshow. I show the current and voltage distortion of a drive without impedance, a drive with impedance, a drive with a passive filter, and an active front-end drive.
If you are interested in harmonics, seeing waveforms on scopes, and different solutions, then I highly recommend this 5-minute video. Feel free to post harmonic questions in the post's comments.