Implementing a new fairway-based solution for the locking and control of a ship’s low-voltage distribution, Promeco took a different approach. Using ABB’s Ekip Link bus solution, the TT-Lines vessel was the first in the world where implementation and approval was carried out by a classification society.
"Until now, the shipping industry has used quite traditional technology, so there was no similar model,” says Promeco Sales Manager Juha Liipo. “We conducted a major study on how the implementation could work in practice. The approval process took time, but now that it's done, it's easy to implement the system and any changes to it."
The idea to use the bus solution came out of a training organised by ABB, showcasing new solution models. Collaboration between Promeco, ABB and RMC was a significant factor in the program’s success.
"We see ABB as a partner and we help each other,” says Liipo. “We were able to test the product in ABB’s Bergamo laboratory together with an inspector from the shipyard and classification society. This was invaluable for ship classification approval. Being able to verify that the product works as expected was an important step for us."
"Promeco’s solution shows the digitalization we offer shipbuilding," says ABB Product Marketing Manager Pekka Heinonen. “It was important that all parties committed to the project and that RMC was involved in the system design from the very beginning. The control logic was kept in line with systems made in traditional ways, making it possible to obtain approval from the classification society. Their approval now enables the system to be replicated for other projects globally."
ABB’s technical support and its Bergamo laboratory provide a unique opportunity to test various bus solutions before installation, guaranteeing the tested result.
Sustainability is important for RMC, Promeco and ABB. This solution is a move towards cleaner mari-time transport. Photo: Sammeli Korhonen With the solution, ships can conserve fuel and energy savings can be verified. Kuva: Elmeri Elo ABB Customer Experience Center in Bergamo, Italy is designed to support customers with more intel-ligent electrical distribution and energy management solutions.
Safety is important in the marine industry
The new electrical distribution solution was tested at Promeco in cooperation with ABB experts. Safety has been ensured, for example, by utilising the ring shape of the ethernet network and a separate Modbus TCP bus in automation, ensuring the solution will work in even the most adverse scenarios.
Co-operation between Promeco, RMC and ABB has been seamless, says Mika Talvenmaa RMC’s Manager, Electrical design. “Testing of the system was possible to make already at Promeco factory, which saved a lot of time onboard. Wiring was much easier and also this solution saves weight onboard which has effect to fuel consumption”.
With the solution, ships can conserve fuel and energy savings can be verified. An additional advantage is convertibility: whereas previously changes had to be made physically; they can now be done programmatically. Sustainability is important for RMC, Promeco and ABB. This solution is another step towards cleaner maritime transport.