As a major Thai utility, Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) mission is to supply electricity to Bangkok and the smaller industrial and urban centers clustered around the capital. ABB switchgear provides safe and reliable power to busy streets of Bangkok.
High-voltage switchgear is used to control and protect power networks from all types of system faults that could occur, such as lightning strikes or short-circuits which could potentially lead to network failure.
MEA has been using disconnectors to protect the high-voltage (HV) power lines supplying electricity to its customers. However they found that due to Thailand's humid, tropical environment the mechanical parts of the load-break switches were malfunctioning, and in some cases the current was too high for the equipment to switch. As a result, equipment frequently had to be replaced, which was expensive both in terms of man-hours required and overall maintenance costs.
To enhance the reliability and availability of the 69 kilovolt (kV) and 115 kV transmission lines, they opted for ABB's hybrid PASS switchgear, as the module's compact, low-weight design enables it to be installed on a small overhead gantry platform. Incorporating a circuit breaker, disconnector, and current and voltage transformer in one unit, a PASS module is the equivalent of a complete high-voltage bay, and can significantly enhance the overall availability and reliability of a power transmission line. The PASS disconnecting function is well protected from the tropical weather in a sealed aluminum tank with insulation gas, which provides a highly reliable switching solution. As part of this pilot project four PASS modules, two at 69 kV and two at 115 kV have already been installed, and are performing successfully.
ABB's PASS is the most widely installed hybrid switchgear technology in the world, ensuring reliable power for customers in many different climates and applications. Its modular design enables highly customizable solutions in short manufacturing times and is supported by a wide-spread service organization.