During mid-2011 ABB's Front End Sales organization in Belgium was approached by Infrax which was studying the possibility to retrofit their old air-insulated (AIS) high voltage equipment with the innovative hybrid switchgear modules.
After multiple technical discussions, Infrax gave ABB the opportunity to demonstrate the reliability and availability of PASS by awarding a pilot project of four modules in the beginning of 2012.
Being satisfied after this trial period of a year and half, Infrax has issued a tender for a four years frame contract with an option for an additional year, and ABB was the successful bidder.
PASS was the winning choice thanks to its flexibility, as PASS is the optimal solution for retrofitting. Thanks to its air-insulated busbar the module is fully compatible with pre-existing AIS equipment. Moreover, ABB's hybrid modules portfolio includes the PASS M00 which is the focused product for 82 kV, namely the requested voltage rating. PASS has been able to suit the customer's specification and has proven to be a successful solution from both technical and economical point of view.
The Plug And Switch System (PASS) is a hybrid module that combines the benefits of AIS and GIS technologies, including the functions of an entire switchgear bay in a single multi-functional module, pre-assembled and pre-tested at the factory.
ABB (www.abb.com) is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 145,000 people.