Jubail Industrial College A team from ABB Saudi Arabia's training department headed down to Jubail this month to take part in Jubail Industrial College's annual career week. The college, which is the largest in Jubail, focuses on providing technical skills including in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering.
Headed by ABB's Syed Zafer and Turki Binsuhail, the team met with students and talked to them about ABB's history, its presence in the Kingdom, as well as job opportunities with the world's largest electrical engineering firm.
Less than two weeks after the career week in Jubail Industrial College, ABB also had the chance to visit Jubail Technical Institute. Located close to ABB's Jubail branch, Jubail Technical Institute also offers young Saudis and expatriates the chance to learn skills in electrical engineering and instrumentation.
"We are always looking at ways to develop our relations with technical institutions such as Jubail Industrial College and Jubail Technical Institute," explained ABB Saudi Arabia's training manager Awad Al-Enazy. "The best way to do this is to meet face to face with faculty and students and show them the opportunities that exist in the country's power and automation sectors. We're looking forward to further developing our relationship with academic institutions in Jubail."