Fremantle Ports is the strategic manager of the Port of Fremantle, Western Australia’s largest general cargo port. This busy trading gateway handles more than $30 billion in trade annually.

Fremantle Ports Manager Electrical Services, Paul Johnson said the remote switching capability within a new sub station had replaced manual high voltage switching, removing electrical employees from the risk of apparatus failure.
“As well as being a much safer system, the sub station upgrade has delivered other benefits including long-term service life and smart metering which enables more detailed reporting of energy consumption,” Paul said.“We can see at a glance how much power is being drawn at any time and can monitor it from Fremantle Ports Administration Building on Victoria Quay.
”The new sub station design housing the switching system has split the switchboard into two sections, each with a separate in-feed from Western Power. It has full redundancy, enabling the entire 11kV network at North Quay to be switched automatically to the second switchboard.
The installation of the advanced electrical switching station by ABB was part of an extensive upgrading of the high voltage network being undertaken by Fremantle Ports at North Quay and Rous Head to service current and future operational needs.