Driving innovation and change, requires a broader perspective and the openness to embrace ‘outside-in’ thinking. During these exciting (and occasionally daunting) times of unprecedented change, it’s important for every serious player in the power sector to stay close to customers, close to markets and continue to build and reinforce sustainable partnerships.
Come ‘rain or shine’, ABB’s Power Grids business has always stood by the development of the world’s power sector and actively encourages its talented experts to champion industry progress and act as influencers for wider change. That’s why we are especially delighted to announce that Jochen Kreusel, Market Innovation Manager of ABB’s Power Grids business, was recently appointed to the post of Deputy President of T&D Europe.
Jochen will co-chair T&D Europe, the trade association of the European technology providers for power transmission and distribution networks, alongside its President, Yann Fromont, from Schneider Electric. Both Jochen and Yann will change their roles in the next term, by that ensuring a good representation of all aspects of power transmission and distribution in the leadership of the organization.
“I am pleased to be appointed as the Co-chair of T&D Europe”, said Jochen Kreusel, Market Innovation Manager of ABB’s Power Grids business. “T&D Europe plays an important role in coordinating and expressing our industry’s voice in how to deal with key topics, ranging from SF6 and alternatives for insulating switchgear to the importance of free access to high-quality electric steel from the world-market and as basis for a competitive European transformer industry. In addition, we are participating in various advisory bodies of the European Commission, supporting it in shaping the future of European power systems.”
About T&D Europe
T&D Europe was established in 2009 by several national trade associations in order to enable our industry to provide expertise to European policy makers. Since then it has become a well-recognized player in European policies.
T&D Europe plays an active role in advising policy makers on how to manage the energy transition from a technical point of view. T&D Europe representatives are members of various Working Groups and the Governing Board of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET), which advises the European Commission on research priorities, and of numerous Expert Groups of the European Commission.
T&D Europe also allows our industry to align with our main customer groups through their organizations, such as ENTSO-E for the transmission network operators, E.DSO, CEDEC, GEODE and Eurelectric for distribution network operators and WindEurope and Solar Power Europe for the renewable energy industries. Among other topics we are currently discussing how to pave the way for a European HVDC grid – an idea ABB has promoted since several decades.
Web page: T&D Europe
Web page: T&D Europe LinkedIn
Web page: European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition