Purvang Upadhyay ABB Measurement & Analytics Abu Dhabi, UAE, purvang.upadhyay@ae.abb.com; Stephen Gibbons ABB Measurement & Analytics Frankfurt, Germany, stephen.gibbons@de.abb.com; Mark Bitto ABB Process Control Platform Wickliffe, OH, United States, mark.bitto@us.abb.com
With most natural resources finite yet essential, the call to sustainability is beckoning, and both governments and society are heeding this call. Moreover, industries realize that to flourish, they must invest in a sustainable future, one that enables growth without sacrificing productivity and efficiency. ABB is committed to the development of innovative industrial automation (IA) solutions that can help industry in their sustainability efforts, thereby realizing better environmental stewardship of the planet.
With much at stake, governments and regulatory agencies are actively creating initiatives to promote sustainability. Recently, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implemented initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent from the 2008 base level [1]. In June 2019, the United Kingdom became the first major economy in the world to pass a legally binding agreement to limit carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 [2]; in November 2019, New Zealand became the latest country do so [3].
International organizations such as the World Bank have launched sustainability-driven programs, eg, Shared Infrastructure for Solar Parks, and Global Environment Facility (GEF). Thanks to the UN’s 2015 Sustainable Development Goals, state governments are increasingly being held to account for their performance on a range of pollution control and natural resource management challenges. Use of sustainability measurement indices such as the Happy Planet Index (HPI), Quality of Life Index (QLI) and the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) help make this possible. Nevertheless, the path to sustainability is awash with complex challenges and process-, power-, and transport- sector industries face a dilemma: They must reduce CO₂ and other greenhouse gas emissions; safeguard water availability and purity; keep workers, facilities and the areas impacted by operations safe; promote more energy efficiency and meet compliance in an ever-expanding regulatory environment, yet, maintain profitability.
Supporting sustainability efforts with innovation
ABB realizes that to address the aforementioned challenges, industry must embrace more than sustainability. So, when new products are developed, focus is not only on superior analytics and diagnostic capabilities. Intelligence, connectivity and availability are embedded in these products to ensure that they interface with the control systems that are so critical for industrial operations. The resulting products enable more efficient energy and water use, reduce emissions and waste while helping industries meet their sustainability goals. By incorporating advances in artificial intelligence, and especially machine-learning, industries meet their sustainability goals. By incorporating advances in artificial intelligence, and especially machine-learning, with IA processes, industries can not only streamline the intellectual workforce, they can reach energy, emission, water and safety goals without sacrificing productivity or efficiency →01.

Today, data gathering, analyses from integrated and connected sensors, devices and instruments are combined with expanded control systems, eg, distributed control systems (DCS) and programmable logical controls (PLCs) in such a way as to enhance industrial process regulation and even foster remote decision-making, all with less human intervention. Such processes reduce waste, optimize energy and water usage and reduce hazardous emissions and pollutants by extending the life-cycle of industrial machines and optimizing their use through predictive monitoring of processes and optimizing product maintenance [4]. Employee safety can also be vastly improved through smart alarm management and by reducing the time people spend in hazardous environments. These analytical and measurement devices are engineered to incorporate technological advances for remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance and at the same time have a positive impact on costs.
Reducing hazardous emissions through monitoring and detecting
With 24 percent of total direct CO₂ emissions originating from industry in 2013; and predicted to reach 45 percent by 2050 [5], governments introduced compliance directives to reduce industrial CO₂ emissions, eg, the Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) – Directive 2001/80/EC, and the Waste Incineration Directive (WID) – Directive 2000/76/EC. ABB Measurement and Analytics has developed monitoring solutions such as the ACF5000 Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)[6], which measures up to 15 components, including relevant pollutants, simultaneously, to help plant owners meet carbon emission compliance requirements. However, reducing CO₂ emissions does not solve all of industries' emission challenges – other greenhouse gases and pollutants produced by industries that rely on coal, gas, oil or biomass, for fuel come into play and ACF5000 delivers.
ABB’s series of gas analyzer products are tailored to customer’s compliance and sustainability needs in a myriad of industries, eg, power generation, pulp and paper, metals- and cement production. Based on over 50 years of experience with non-dispersive infrared technology, ABB’s flagship product, URAS [7], measures up to four compounds simultaneously, eg, CO, NO, SO₂ and CO₂. Another successful product, LIMAS, uses UV measuring technology to measure both NO and NO₂, simultaneously, and SO₂ even if water or CO₂ are present in the sample →02 [7]. Furthermore, reliable and accurate real-time emission estimations are possible with use of the software solution Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems (PEMS), and the Inferential Modeling Platform (IMP), tailored for model creation and online deployment connected with an industrial control system through standard protocol. Better control of emission monitoring processes is the result.

Reliable and timely detection of leaks can also help industries reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The ABB Ability™ Mobile Gas Leak Detection System, with a digital mobile detection software application, uses ABB’s patented laser-based technique, and is the only available system to measure both methane and ethane [8]. Hence, pipeline gas and naturally occurring methane can be differentiated and mapped. With sensitivity a thousand times greater than legacy devices, leaks are located rapidly. More autonomy allows service anytime, anywhere, by any approved personnel. Detailed autonomous reporting without the need for human review, editing, or filtering means that customers can locate and prioritize a leak, thus reducing hazardous emissions and improving safety while increasing productivity and efficiency.
Making clean water available
With global demand for water rising at three times the rate of population growth, there is immense stress on the global supply of fresh water. Industrial processes account for 22 percent of freshwater global water retrieval, with this proportion expected to rise [9]. Moreover, industrial processing usually degrades water even though it is usually available for re-use, if successfully treated. And yet, waste treatment capacity languishes as facilities and systems age – a notable challenge.
Improving quality and reducing the vast quantities of water involved in manufacturing is crucial and ABB recognizes that making products and processes more sustainable, with less- and purer water (and energy), is not only good for the environment it is good for business. Even slight reductions in usage can have a positive financial impact on a company’s bottom line and foster connections with end users and stakeholders.
ABB’s products such as Symphony Plus™ Automation solutions, water analysis products and flow meters, provide customers with more flexibility, reliability, and efficiency, thereby reducing industrial operating costs, while improving water quality and lowering the amount of water used.
Symphony™ Plus, the new generation of the Symphony family of DCSs, developed for the power and water industries, is a complete digital automation system ideal for the management of the water cycle and can be used to increase performance of desalination and treatment plants, water distribution and transfer networks [10]. With more than 6,800 Symphony DCS installed world-wide and more than 4,800 in water and power applications, this automation platform is a tried-and-proven solution.
Incorporating essential components of a closed loop system; sense, analyze and act, the architecture of this solution is designed specifically for water applications (larger number of smaller modular units) this enables plant and network operators to achieve both sustainable and profitable growth.
The availability of quality-water and its continuous and accurate measurement is key to many industrial processes. ABB’s water analysis solutions provide real-time data on process conditions that can be used to improve efficiency, tighten performance and safeguard quality [11]. Because good quality water is not only required for drinking but is needed to generate power, ABB has developed a water quality analysis solution that uses a single parameter to complete steam water analysis, thereby ensuring water purity to efficiently generate power. ABB’s series of Continuous Water Analyzers also help maintain regulatory-compliant drinking-quality water to meet the growing demand.
With more than 70 years of experience developing pH sensors, ABB provides advanced digital pH/Oxidation Reduction Potential sensors for smart diagnostics to ensure water quality [12].
Water loss through leakage is another problem encountered and ABB’s AquaMaster [13] is an intelligent solar/battery-powered flow meter that helps reduce water leakage, while lowering maintenance costs and enhancing performance →03. This electromagnetic flowmeter monitors the quantity of water intake in real time; thereby allowing early detection of waste. The AquaMaster 4 is the world’s first self-verifying flowmeter; digital fingerprint technology enables an integrity self-check every 30 minutes.

Safety: balancing profit with the planet
Following major industrial safety incidents, there is an increased awareness of safety; as well as an increased global acceptance, implementation and enforcement of safety standards – nevertheless heavily regulated industries require economic growth. Innovative business strategies that integrate the safety, health and welfare of workers provide companies with an opportunity to simultaneously achieve safety and growth objectives. A tier above normal process control, safety automation can help industry to protect people, environment and their financial investment should normal operational control fail to maintain safe operating parameters.
Introduced in 2005, ABB’s System 800xA High Integrity Safety solution gives industries a flexible, integrated architecture for diverse safety applications →01. In combination with ABB’s lifecycle services, customers can achieve the certified safety solution they need. Capital expenditures are reduced by obviating the need for duplicating networks, operation interfaces and licensing, configuration training and maintenance of two separate systems. By integrated process control and safety automation, problems arising from use of two separate systems are eliminated; everything from graphics interactions to alarm management and system maintenance operate smoothly and reliably.
Balancing safety with cost-effectiveness is always challenging and ABB’s non-invasive temperature sensor allows brownfield sites to accomplish both →04. This device, released in 2018, uses a double sensor architecture and algorithm to rapidly measure at the medium's surface, thus providing real-time data without the need for a thermowell [14]. This solution reduces risks for humans, the environment, the medium and other components, thus, simplifying safety and environmental compliance. Not only is the cost of installation lower, but so are the system operating costs because there is no need to shut down for maintenance. Consequently, a reduction in CAPEX of up to 75 percent is achievable.

Increasing energy efficiency with integrated control systems
To reduce global energy demand and mitigate the damaging impact of excessive CO₂ emissions, energy efficiency is at the top of everyone’s political and economic agenda [15].
With the ABB Ability™ System 800xA Electrical Control solution, ABB developed an integrated solution that allows plant operators to see and understand power usage and permits new energy-saving opportunities to be explored and existing reduction programs to be enhanced [16]. This solution monitors and controls the substations – necessary to provide energy to many process industry facilities – and ensures full availability with real-time applications →05. Users can control a process, manage a field crew and deliver outstanding operational efficiency with a single system.

Supporting major communication protocols fosters interoperability between devices. Significant savings can be achieved through reduced hard-wired cabling on switchgear by connecting to intelligent devices →06. Asset management strategies can be extended to electrical equipment, reduce plant downtime and improve production. Overall, this electric control solution helps energy intensive industries to use energy cost-effectively.

ABB’s products help industry achieve their sustainability targets, in all its facets, while improving efficiency and productivity, thereby fostering profitability through responsible action.
[1] The United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next decade”, Available: https://www.epa.gov/greeningepa/executive-order-13693- planning-federal-sustainability-next-decade. [Accessed June 20, 2020].
[2] Government of the United Kingdom, ”The UK becomes the first major economy to pass net zero emissions law”, UK.Gov, June 27, 2019, Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-becomes-first-major- economy-to-pass-net-zero-emissions-law. [Accessed June 20, 2020].
[3] P. Menon, “New Zealand passes law aiming for net zero emissions by 2050”, Reuters News, Nov. 7, 2019, Available: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-newzealand-climate- idUSKBN1XH0RQ. [Accessed June 20, 2020].
[4] O. Shani, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution Moves from Automated to Autonomous”, Forbes, June 4, 2018, Available: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2018/06/04/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-moves-from-automated-to- autonomous/. [Accessed June 22, 2020].
[5] N. Chestney, “Unprecedented world carbon emissions cuts needed by 2050: PwC”, Reuters News, Nov. 5, 2012, Available: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-carbon-pwc- idUSBRE8A400420121105. [Accessed June 20, 2020].
[6] ABB, “Hot Wet extraction system ACF5000”, [Online] Available:https://new.abb.com/products/measurement- products/analytical/continuous-gas-analyzers/cga-system- solution/acf5000. [Accessed June 22, 2020].
[7] ABB, “Advance Optima and Easy-line Solutions”, [Online] Available: https://new.abb.com/products/measurement- products/analytical/continuous-gas-analyzers/advance-optima- and-easyline-series. [Accessed June 22, 2020].
[8] ABB, ABB AbilityTM Mobile Gas Leak Detection System, Available: https://new.abb.com/products/measurement- products/analytical/laser-gas-analyzers/abb-ability-mobile- gas-leak-detection-system. [Accessed June 22].
[9] United nations World Water development, “United Nations World Water Development Report”, 2018, Available: https://www.unwater.org/publications/world-water-development- report-2018/. [Accessed June 20, 2020].
[10] ABB, “Introducing ABB SymphonyTM Plus”, Available:https://new.abb.com/power-generation/systems/power- plant-automation/abb-ability-symphony-plus/what-is-abb- ability-symphony-plus. [Accessed June 23, 2020].
[11] ABB, “Continuous Water Analysis”, Available: https://new.abb.com/products/measurement- products/analytical/continuous-water-analysis.
[12] ABB, “pH/ORP Sensors”, Available: https://new.abb.com/products/measurement-products/analytical/continuous-water-analysis/ph-orp- measurement/ph-orp-sensors. [Accessed June 22].
[13] ABB, “AquaMaster FEW400 Electromagnetic Flowmeters”, Available: https://new.abb.com/products/measurement- products/flow/electromagnetic-flowmeters/water-waste- water/aquamaster-few400-electromagnetic-flowmeter. [Accessed June 22].
[14] J, Gebhardt et al., “ABB’s noninvasive temperature measurement creates digitization use cases”, ABB Review, 1/2019, pp. 46 – 53, Available: https://new.abb.com/news/detail/16858/abbs-noninvasive- temperature-measurement-creates-digitization-use-cases. [Accessed June 22 2020].
[15] International Energy Agency, “Shaping a secure and sustainable energy future for all”, IEA, 2013, Available: https://www.iea.org/. [Accessed June 20, 2020].
[16] ABB News, “ABB AbilityTM control Systems 800xA Electrical Control Systems”, Available: https://new.abb.com/control-systems/system-800xa/electrical- control-system [Accessed June 22, 2020]