ABB Ability™ System 800xA 6.1.1 represents an evolution for automated control and plant operations of tomorrow, consolidating the technology pioneer’s number one leadership position in the DCS market. By increasing industry collaboration, the latest version of ABB’s flagship DCS enables plant decision makers to future proof their plants making it an easy call to make.
The System 800xA 6.1.1 enhances collaboration via a number of new features including simplified, faster commissioning of greenfield projects and brownfield expansions with a new and improved Ethernet I/O Field Kit - now with xStream Commissioning - which allows users to configure and test I/O in the field without the need for the control application software or process controller hardware, all from a single laptop. This allows Field I&C technicians to simultaneously perform automated loop checks of multiple smart devices, documenting all final results.
System 800xA 6.1.1 makes it easier than ever to implement digital solutions. Thanks to the 800xA Publisher system extension, users can securely and easily choose which data to stream to ABB Ability™ Genix Industrial Analytics and AI Suite, both on the edge or in the cloud.
"ABB Ability™ System 800xA 6.1.1 makes a powerful and world-leading DCS even better. Besides being a process control system, an electrical control system and a safety system, it is a collaboration enabler, allowing to further improve engineering efficiency, operator performance and asset utilization. " said Bernhard Eschermann, Chief Technology Officer, ABB Process Automation. "For example, the xStream commissioning capabilities take risk and delays out of large projects and enable ABB's Adaptive Execution approach for project execution. In addition, standard interfaces support customers to make better use of operational data in their digitalization journey, all of that keeping cyber security in check."
Select I/O and Ethernet I/O Fieldkit with xStream Commissioning Dashboard - ABB Ability™ Genix Industrial Analytics and AI Suite Select I/O both High Integrity and Intrinsically safe functionality Modular enabled System 800xA - orchestration of process modules
Faster and more cost-efficient project execution is made possible thanks to the inclusion of Select I/O enhancements in the new version. I/O cabinet standardization reduce the effects of late changes and keeps the footprint to a minimum. To lessenthe amount of ancillary hardware that needs to be added to I/O cabinetry, the Select I/O now includes Ethernet adapters with native single-mode fiber-optic connectivity and individual signal conditioning modules with built-in intrinsically safe barriers.
This latest version of ABB’s DCS flagship has many extended capabilities including increased OPC UA connectivity options which in turn facilitates IT/OT convergence. A wide range of OPC UA communication levels, such as an OPC UA client and server at the system level, are made available in this new version. The further addition of OPC UA connectivity into the AC 800M controller, and more OPC UA features in the 800xA History mean that the ABB Ability™ System 800xA 6.1.1 increases secure collaboration between systems and applications.
Cyber Security is an essential focus for any plant owner. The ABB Ability™ System 800xA 6.1.1 increases cyber security through the latest patches and security updates that come with MS Windows 2019. Additionally, ISA secure compliance has been achieved for System 800xA's most popular process and safety controllers (PM866 & PM867).
Agility and collaboration are increased even further with the new version opening the door to Modular Orchestration. ABB Ability™ System 800xA 6.1.1 provides the option to seamlessly import Modular Type Packages (MTPs), regardless of vendor’s automation platform used. It does so by providing the ancillary coordinated control logic to perform superior supervisory control. It is standard compliant and has plug and produce capabilities that improve production flexibility and competitiveness.
ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a leading global technology company that energizes the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. By connecting software to its electrification, robotics, automation and motion portfolio, ABB pushes the boundaries of technology to drive performance to new levels. With a history of excellence stretching back more than 130 years, ABB’s success is driven by about 110,000 talented employees in over 100 countries.