Sole Source order due to relationship & nature of existing drive architecture

Rolling Mill Application


Application and customer

  • 5 Stand Rolling Mill - Stand Controller Upgrade
  • Continuous Rolling Mill producing sheet steel
  • All GE Mill featuring Drives and controls. Last upgraded in 1994 following fire.

ABB Scope

  • 5 AGC Stand Controllers utilizing the high speed UCVH controller.
  • Upgrade to digital speed regulators on all 10 DC drives

Total order:
$750K Equipment  (Firm)
$500K Commissioning (T&M)
$250K/yr. resident FE contract

Customer benefits

  • Appropriate products to meet the technically demanding requirements of the drive configuration.
  • Early, fast and competent customer support in the sales phase, good local field support relationship.
  • Migration path developed to minimize outage requirements in a phased installation.   


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