- Eight consecutive years of certification from Carbon Reduce (formerly known as CEMARS)
- Absolute carbon emissions reduced by 15% in 2021
- Absolute carbon emissions fallen by 55% since 2018
Carbon Reduce is an independent carbon reduction programme which measures ABB’s performance against ISO 14064, the internationally recognised standard for greenhouse gas emissions.
The Carbon Reduce scheme not only measures absolute carbon emissions, but also other statistics which are important in building a true picture for comparison. An example is carbon emissions intensity, which is a record of the amount of carbon emissions produced by an organisation per £1 million in revenue. In 2021, ABB in the UK carbon emissions fell to just under 12 tons for every £1 million in turnover. Since the baseline of 2018 there has been a reduction of approximately 46%.
David Day, UK Health, Safety and Environmental Manager, ABB said: “There is clearly a business need and moral imperative to reduce our impact on the world. By taking responsibility we are leading the way and helping our colleagues and our supply chain to behave in a more sustainable way.”
In 2021, ABB implemented a range of measures to continue their drive to operate more sustainably, including transitioning all their premises to 100 percent renewable energy.
Consequently, this meant that their market-based Scope 2 emissions went down by approximately 1100 tons to 706.6 tons.
Another significant step is the gradual transition to an electrified company vehicle fleet. Currently 40 percent of vehicles are electric, which has contributed to a reduction of approximately 33 tonnes of carbon emissions.
The impact of the pandemic continues to be felt with air travel down by 96 percent last year. Reduced air travel is expected to continue due to the largescale uptake of more remote methods of meeting, collaborating, and communicating.
ABB in the UK’s annual carbon reduction results were audited and certified by Carbon Reduce in May this year.