How ABB is working with Kaishan Group to produce geothermal power.

The transition to a low-carbon future means switching from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. At ABB we’re deeply involved in supporting this energy transition.

The need to achieve energy stability, security of energy supply and energy independence, combined with the need to minimize carbon footprints is driving countries across the world to explore different renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, biopower and geothermal.

Battling climate change is as much a concern for most world governments as achieving energy independence and security. The concern over reduction of carbon emissions has become prominent in recent years due to the increased use of fossil fuels. Global economic and social developments have resulted in a tremendous increase in the world’s total primary energy supply, and a corresponding increase in carbon emissions.

We apply our technology and experience to produce solutions that will help to reduce carbon emissions. Solutions such as our energy-efficient AMS synchronous generators that enable power plants to run efficiently, reliably and cost-effectively.

ABB Large Motors and Generators are helping Kaishan Group in the transition to green energy in Indonesia. We are proud to be working with Kaishan Group, a partner with a clear commitment to carbon dioxide neutrality.

Watch the full video below for more information.

Customer Video with Mr. Yan Tang from Kaishan Group


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