PCS100 ESS Technical Specifications

Utility Side (AC)

Rated voltage

150 - 480 V

Nominal frequency

50 Hz or 60 Hz 

Overload capability

200 % for 2 seconds
150 % for 30 seconds
120 % for 600 seconds
Preload conditions may apply

Voltage harmonic compatibility

IEC 61000-2-4 Class 2 (Utility THDv < 8%)

Power module voltage harmonic distortion

THDv < 2.5% for linear loads

Energy Storage Side (DC)

Rated voltage

+/- 125Vdc up to +/- 560Vdc (250 up to 1120 Vdc) for C-type

+/- 125Vdc up to +/- 410Vdc (250 up to 820 Vdc) for D-type

Supply earth referencing

DC center referenced

Model Range

AC Current Rating

150A – 4800A D-type module
105A – 3360A C-type module

Note: Higher power available by paralleling multiple PCS100 ESS systems.   

Operating temperature range
 0 °C to 40 °C

Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. 

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