Message from Kevin

Dear Reader,

Visiting our customers and partners is one of the most important and enlightening parts of our business. In doing so, we try to put ourselves in their shoes and see the world through their eyes. We want to know what challenges they face and what opportunities they have, so that we can help them achieve their objectives.

One of the key topics in our discussions is market and technology trends in the power generation and water sectors. As a global player in both we need to identify these trends and assess their likely impact over the coming years. You can read our views on these matters in the opening pages of this issue.

Providing smarter and value-added services for the power and water sectors is a vital part of our activities. These services are designed to get the best performance from the plant, the production processes and the people working there. We have two advantages in this respect: our huge installed base of automation systems and electrical products in power and water facilities all over the world, and our expertise in these sectors. Thanks to this technology and process know-how, we are now taking our service offerings to the next level.

ABB Power Generation Care and ABB Water Care are the names of our new service offerings. They are designed totake care of the facility's assets. They cover our automation systems and electrical balance of plant and are, we believe, the most comprehensive, customer-focused and expertise-rich service offerings on the market. You can read about them on pages 10-11, but the philosophy behind them is present in every article in this issue: on life-cycle management, cyber security, training, operator effectiveness, and on why and when to upgrade your systems, software and products.

ABB is recognized by ARC Advisory Group as having the largest installed base of control systems for power generation.  We are also a leader in the supply of electrical products for the power generation and water sectors.  I want to thank you for putting your trust in us and assure you that we will continue to support and enhance your investments so you can achieve better results.

Our eight power generation service hubs cover the globe. They are supported by a network of global competence centers that is available to each hub and country. You can find the location of these hubs and the name of their service manager on pages 30-31. Please feel free to contact them. They and our entire team look forward to helping you improve the operation of your assets.

Thank you for your interest in ABB and I hope you take the time to explore this new issue of In Control. I trust it will give you some new insights into the dynamic range of support that ABB can offer.


With kind regards,

Kevin C. Kosisko
Managing Director
ABB Power Generation

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