Health Check Services for Symphony Harmony
The Harmony Benchmark service analyzes control system performance and compares it to expected operating conditions to help manage control system utilization and prevent unpredictable performance. Proprietary, non-invasive software simplifies control system data analysis, identifies potential issues and automatically generates a traffic-light report containing the KPI summary of the system.
In addition, the Harmony Fingerprint service generates a more detailed report which contains further analysis with recommendations on how to improve and maintain system performance. These recommendations can be prioritized based on criticality, process area, and financial impact.
- Minimizes the risk of system upsets through early detection of potential problems
- Increases control system performance, availability and reliability by ensuring that complex system configuration parameters are correct
- Decreases the time and cost spent pinpointing system problems
- Ensures on-going maintenance, expansions and application changes do not negatively affect the system