AlarmInsight Alarm Rationalization Tool (ART)

Enables efficient alarm review processes

Alarm rationalisation is a systematic work process to evaluate all potential or existing alarms against principles established in an alarm philosophy document, to qualify which are legitimate alarms, to specify their design, and to capture rationale such as cause, consequence and corrective action which can be used to guide operator response.

The principal benefits of alarm rationalisation are reduced alarm load on the operator, elimination of nuisance alarms, and prioritisation to help the operator respond to the most critical alarms first, all of which lead to improved operator effectiveness.

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The Alarm Rationalization Tool (ART) is part of the ABB AlarmInsight alarm lifecycle management product suite, and is built on more than 20 years of alarm consulting experience

It encompasses various aspects of alarm management as described in industry standards and guidelines EEMUA 191 and IEC 62682. It enables efficient alarm review processes and includes a Master Alarm Database and management of change capabilities. The Alarm Rationalization Tool enables continuous alarm improvement programs throughout the lifecycle of a plant.

  • It can be used as a stand-alone tool for “any” DCS (as a client on a  PC or on a server accessible via web)
  • Be installed on-site and be integrated with other AlarmInsight components

The underlying Microsoft SQL-based Master Alarm Database enables work on large datasets and has advanced data management functions like:

  • Data import and export capabilities to and from Excel files
  • Interface provides all relevant data in a single view – for efficient alarm review meetings
  • Audit trail logs enabling progress overview and revert/undo capabilities
  • Time-saving copy functionality of alarm parameters
  • Time-saving “rules”/ template function for attribute population and control of similar alarms.
  • Control over Import / export functionality (roll-back / overwrite/ skip functionality).
  • Secure backup routines through standard Microsoft SQL technology

The tool can integrate with the AlarmInsight Software portfolio as an on-site server installation, adding several capabilities:

  • Operator response texts for AlarmHelper (either read directly from the ART database or populated via Excel files)
  • Enabling “bulk” updates of DCS with new alarm priorities
  • AlarmInsight Alarm Change Recorder can be used to compare design values from ART with the alarm attributes actually implemented in the DCS (800xA DCS only).

Key Benefits

  • Creates a Master alarm design overview and allows continuous optimisation of the alarm design throughout the lifecycle of the plant.
  • Allows efficient Alarm reviews of large data sets.
  • Can work as a stand-alone tool and for alarm reviews and later as a server installation on site integration with the other AlarmInsight features.


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