LifeCycle Index

The LifeCycle Index provides customers with an objective performance indicator to determine a control system’s productivity status

In today's economy, customers demand assets that both perform well and last a long time. In the extended capital replacement cycles that we experience under current market conditions, customers require a solid understanding both of an asset's expected life, as well as options for extending that life. ABB's LifeCycle Index helps deliver that understanding.

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ABB has a methodology to objectively evaluate the productivity status of a process control system. This productivity status – the LifeCycle Index -- refers to the technological condition of a control system, its availability, its usage and its risk status: in other words, everything necessary for the safe and reliable operation of the system. 

To arrive at the LifeCycle Index, ABB service representatives directly communicate with plant management and operators and ask a series of pre-defined questions regarding technology and personnel to identify customer issues and assess:

  • Safety, environment and sustainability dynamics
  • Capital and operational expenditure availability
  • Plant life cycle and Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Plant infrastructure and logistics
  • Maintenance tools and methods
  • System technological profile
  • Plant support and training
  • Life cycle strategy
  • Business strategy
  • Market demands

As a result, the LifeCycle Index of the existing process control assets is defined and a target index generated to show prioritized areas of improvement. To implement improvements, a list of recommendations is included for customer consideration

The Life Cycle Index serves as a basis for decisions regarding further strategies on maintaining and increasing plant productivity. It is the foundation for cost forecasting and migration planning.

The LifeCycle Index process includes interviews with plant management and other personnel, as well as an evaluation of technology. The result is a radar chart with accompanying detail that is designed to be an objective figure for analysis, evaluation and documentation of the lifecycle of the assets analyzed. The radar chart and its accompanying detailed information is used by customers as the basis for both capital and operational expenditure planning, since mitigation for lifecycle issues may involve both system and service investments.



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