
ABB’s training courses have been designed to correspond to actual operating situations. 

ABB's product, system, process and technology training is intended for work supervisors, engineers, technicians, users, programmers and maintenance workers. The training is offered to ABB's customers, partners and own personnel. 

Training needs vary according to the background of the company, plant or personnel. We offer training in the following areas, among others:

  • Products and systems
  • Commissioning and user training
  • Service and maintenance training
  • Design and dimensioning
  • Customer-specific tailored courses

Accurate training will add your capability to respond rapidly and efficiently in any given situation hence improving operational efficiency of your assets. Please contact us.

ABB Training provides comprehensive and professional training either at ABB premises or your own, depending on what suits you best.

Training for products and systems
Training for industries and utilities
ABB University