Jeddah Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant Phase 2, Saudi Arabia

Due to the geographic location, the climatic conditions and the need for reliable water supplies near population centres, seawater desalination is one of the most important methods of producing water

The seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant Jeddah RO Phase 2 was commissioned in 1994, has a capacity of 48848m³ of water day. The client was looking for a state of the art control and automation environment to replace the existing obsolete DCS system, and at the same
time integrate operation of Jeddah RO1plant (ABB Symphony –Melody system) in the new control system.

ABB's response to fulfil client's needs was to deliver solution based on System 800xA and AC870P to replace obsolete control system for RO Phase 2, to retrofit the Maestro-UX system with System 800xA without plant shutdown for RO Phase 1, integrate Phase 1 and 2 Control system to allow common operation, and to upgrade the plant management system. ABB's scope included the design and engineering, manufacturing, supply, installation commissioning as well as the dismantling of the existing obsolete DCS system.

On account of ABB's expertise and capability to successfully execute such challenging projects, and ABB's longstanding project experience in desalination, the project was finished within an extremely short delivery and commissioning time.

Main data

Application: Desalination
Capacity: 2035 m³/h
Geographical location: Middle East / Saudi Arabia
Year of commissioning: 2009

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