Cyber Security with ABB Ability™ System 800xA®

All control systems are exposed to cyber security risks.
ABB Ability System 800xA has the right defense mechanisms in place.

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What is ABB's approach?
Defense in depth

There is no one single solution to keep a system cyber secure. Instead, ABB recommends a defense in depth approach. It is about multiple layers of security controls that are placed throughout the system.

How does it work?
Cyber security is embedded in 800xA

Cyber security is an important factor in all phases of system life cycle and is an integral part of System 800xA. ABB addresses it at each stage - from design and development to operations and maintenance.

What is the next step?
Cyber security is an ongoing process

After a System 800xA has been commissioned, ABB continues to communicate with its users, e.g. using My Control System. Here users can find useful field information on their system.

Offerings - a modular approach

Reference case studies





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URLImageTitleDescriptionIndustrySolutionTopicCountry Cyber Security, Harmony and System 800xA Fingerprints for DTE Energy, USElectric and natural gas provider mitigates risk with diagnostic audits, detecting potential system vulnerabilities long before they happen, rather than having to repair because of a crisis.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Harmony System EvolutionCyber SecurityUnited States in Sweden mitigates risk with ABB Cyber Security FingerprintGreater confidence in the plant’s current program to minimize cyber security risks; customized, detailed action plan that identified and prioritized new mitigation actions; improved understanding of cyber security issues and proactive ways to prevent security breaches Mining ABB 800xA Cyber Security ServiceSweden
Colombian oil and gas company reduces maintenance costs and increases cyber security for its ABB distributed control systemsDescription not foundOil, Gas and PetrochemicalABB 800xACyber Security Service System EvolutionColombia Security Fingerprint for speciality chemical facility in USAComplying with Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) requirements to safeguard facilities and informationChemicalsABB 800xACyber Security ServiceUnited States steel mill mitigates risk with ABB Cyber Security FingerprintDetailed report on control system security in one man-week, fast resolution for important security issues, foundation for comprehensive cyber security planMetalsABB 800xACyber Security ServiceSpain
Improve protection of the control system with ABB's Security Update Service and upgrade to latest version of System 800xAVirus scanner software and operating system software always updated according to ABB’s recommendation Pulp and Paper ABB 800xACyber Security Operator Effectiveness Service System EvolutionBrazil eastern refinery tightens security with ABB Cyber Security FingerprintComprehensive view of plant cyber security status, better risk mitigation against a cyber attack, enhanced control system security to be on par with overall facility security, tighter security procedures Oil, Gas and Petrochemical ABB 800xA Cyber Security ServiceQatar gas supplier thwarts cyber attackers with ABB System 800xA v6 and ABB Security Update ServiceEnd-of-life issues and aging equipment left this major gas supplier vulnerable to cyber attack Oil, Gas and Petrochemical ABB 800xA Cyber Security Operator Effectiveness Service System EvolutionSpainöderenergi in Södertälje Sweden digitizes manual and automated tasks using ABB remote monitoringMore time-efficient maintenance, improved operational reliability and enhanced security Power Generation ABB 800xA Cyber SecuritySweden IV rated data center in Israel relies on ABB Ability Data Center AutomationControlling, monitoring and optimizing the mission-critical infrastructure with BMS, EPMS, DCIM and HVAC capabilities in a single industrial solution. Data Centers Cyber Security Energy Efficiency Operator Effectiveness
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