Batch 300 for MOD 300
The batch management software suite for the predcessor to Advant MOD 300, the MOD 300, was launched in 1992. Together with the standard features of the MOD 300 system, if offered the degree of flexibility required to meet batch applications.
Batch 300 is divided into the following functional areas:
Recipe Management with three levels of recipe: site, master, and control. Recipe information includes header, equipment, procedure and formula values. As part of Recipe Management, the most generic site recipe is automatically translated to the master recipe and then to the control recipe.
Production Scheduling places a job or order into the schedule. The system calculates the number of standard size batches required to fulfill the order.
Process Management processes scheduled jobs according to start time and availability of plant equipment.
Unit Supervision gives operators and production managers easy access to and control of batch production.
Process Control consists of the fully integrated TCL, CCF and TLL. Together, these three elements provide advanced process control capabilities and interlocking.
Production Information Management capabilities include recording and retrieval of historical batch data for use in comprehensive batch reports.