ABB Ability™ Performance Optimization for mining

With ABB Ability™ Performance Optimization for mining we identify and tackle the challenges preventing you from operational excellence in a variety of mining processes, including crushing, grinding, flotation, thickening, dewatering, leaching and stockpile management.

Optimize process control to improve product quality, maximize yield, minimize consumables and protect valuable equipment

Economic challenges are pushing mining companies to work even harder to maximize process efficiency and maintain product quality, while reducing costs. However, operators controlling the process are being overwhelmed and overloaded with an increasing amount of complex tasks. The solution is ABB Ability™ Performance Optimization for mining - a packaged approach developed by ABB that merges essential data and eliminates shift to shift variations by permanently controlling plant processes at optimal levels – at all times, in all situations.

Process performance Fingerprint
Our experts will assess, measure and analyze your processes and provide an estimate of potential improvement.

If any instrumentation is missing, we will make recommendations on what you should aquire and provide optimal measurement procedures.

PID tuning
With the help of proven LoopScan and LoopTune software embedded in ServicePort, we will assess and tune your PID loops to their best performance.

Based on ABB Ability™ Expert Optimizer for mining, our process improvement services utilize advanced process control techniques such as model predictive control and soft sensors, to first stabilize the process, and then drive key variables to process constraints.

Want to optimize mining processes using real time data and detect changes to ore grade as it is extracted?

Contact us
Process Improvement Services (PRISE) become ABB Ability™ Performance Optimization for mining, part of ABB Ability digital solutions portfolio.

Improvements achieved at Boliden mines

  • Particle size controlled
  • Mill loads stabilized (standard deviation decreased by 79%)
  • Autopilot for operators
  • No constraint violations with respect to power, torque, mill load
    *Results gathered over a six month evaluation

  • Recovery increased by 1%
  • Reduction of variability in product grade
  • Increased stability of froth levels and reagent consumption

*Results gathered over a two month evaluation

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