Energy management

Energy transparency with ABB’s metering solution

The first and most important step in energy management is to understand your baseline energy consumption.

This includes measuring consumption of electricity, natural gas, steam, water, etc., which will enable you to ascertain your building’s energy profile and help understand the operational aspects and overall building energy requirements.

ABB metering devices connect with the building automation system providing the ability to acquire, store and analyze your key area within your facility. This allows you to identify and evaluate improvement measures based on your overall energy plan to calculate the expected economic benefits and returns. Without measuring usage, it is hard to drive efficiency; therefore, the addition of energy meters for sub-metering together with a circuit monitoring system for the incoming energy all the way down to the last load branch, your energy can be proactively managed.
  • Wide measurement dynamics from low to high currents
  • Identify energy savings based on detailed energy usage data
  • Cost allocation of energy
  • Branch supervision of both AC and DC currents
  • Integration into KNX system and our Newron plaftform enables energy management on various levels
  • Open for integration into a ‘cloud based’ solutions


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