
Control Systems' global sales support team provides Freelance software in updated branding as well as hardware cases to be used as a sales kits for product presentations, fairs and events, trainings, offline engineering and more than this.


Freelance Software Application

Standard use case scenarios depicting real-time situations help demonstrate the capabilities of Freelance System. The Freelance application software is based on Freelance 2019.


Freelance Hardware Kits

Use the new application cases to show benefits of Freelance Control and I/O. There are two available application panels for Freelance, one main controller panel and second extension panel with S700 and S800 I/Os. HW Kits come with software application with temporary Freelance license (valid for 100 days, renewable) including prepared application and HMI graphics.

Panels are designed in horizontal layout representing most common installation way in the field. They can stand on the desk or be hanged on the wall if required.

    HW Kits       


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