800xA Batch Management for Freelance

800xA Batch Management for Freelance offers a comprehensive range of functions for recipe management, batch and process control, as well as safety and reliability.

Freelance is also ideally suited for batch automation in accordance with ISA S88. In this case, the additional 800xA Batch Management software, which has been optimized for Freelance, is used. Again, the system structure can be designed very flexibly. Standard operation can either remain on DigiVis, with parallel batch management workstations and appropriate servers, or operation, observation and batch management can be carried out entirely using 800xA.

800xA Batch Management offers a comprehensive range of functions for recipe management, batch and process control, as well as safety and reliability. The system will allow you to respond flexibly and quickly to increasing production demands and achieve:

  • A sustained and high level of production consistency resulting in improved quality and productivity
  • Minimum downtimes and operating costs through optimum utilization of equipment
  • Compliance with statutory directives



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