System 800xA for Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline TANAP

Delivering integrated software solutions for telecoms and control systems to monitor, secure and control 1,850 km gas pipeline


The 1,850 km Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) will bring Azerbaijan’s natural gas directly to Europe. ABB will deliver the control infrastructure to contribute to safe, secure and reliable operation of the pipeline throughout its lifetime.

Bringing Azerbaijan’s natural gas to Europe

TANAP is a special-purpose company with SOCAR of Azerbaijan, BOTAS of Turkey and BP as shareholders. Its $11 billion pipeline will interconnect with two others: the South Caucasus at Turkey’s border with Georgia and the Trans Adriatic at its border with Greece. The gas will come from the Shah Deniz 2 field in the Caspian Sea and it will enter the European network in Italy. It will cross the whole of Turkey, with TANAP forming the central section of the $45 billion Southern Gas Corridor, which will be part of Europe’s future strategic energy infrastructure.

Main facts

Industry Oil, gas and petrochemicals
Customer TANAP
Country Azerbaijan, Turkey

 System 800xA

Safe and reliable pipeline operation across vast distances

ABB will deliver the control system, telecommunications, pipeline monitoring, security systems including fiber-optic cables to transmit data along the pipelines. The pipeline will be controlled and automated by ABB’s world-leading System 800xA process automation system. The software solutions will integrate the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and the telecommunications that control the gas flows, detect leakages or intrusions and make closed circuit television (CCTV) coverage available for safety and security purposes.

ABB has a proven track record delivering software solutions to many similar projects, including the South Caucasus link and the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan line connecting Azerbaijan with the Mediterranean. Altogether, more than 4,500km of pipeline in the region will be controlled by ABB’s System 800xA infrastructure, safeguarding approximately 5% of Europe’s annual gas demand.

“Technology innovation and leadership is a cornerstone of ABB’s Next Level strategy. ABB’s leading System 800xA software and integrated telecoms solution will allow TANAP to safely and reliably operate the pipeline across vast distances from multiple locations,” said Peter Terwiesch, President of ABB’s Process Automation Division.

Peter Terwiesch, President of ABB’s Process Automation Division
“ABB’s leading System 800xA software and integrated telecoms solution will allow TANAP to safely and reliably operate the pipeline across vast distances from multiple locations”

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