DOX 10 for Satt PLC

DOX 10 for Satt controllers, Satt 19" Rack and SattCon 200, a Windows based multi-mode software engineering tool.

Easy to learn and easy to work with, DOX 10 runs on a normal PC. It features libraries of standard modules. Debugged user-defined modules can be saved and re-used to save programming time and increase quality.

DOX 10 gives you five different programming methods - SFC (Grafcet), function block, ladder diagram, instruction list and structured text - and enables on-line testing, tuning, troubleshooting and programming. 

DOX 10 features: 

  • re-usability saves engineering time
  • minimal hardware requirements
  • on-line testing, tuning, trouble-shooting and programming

DOX 10 life cycle status
DOX 10 was moved from Active to Classic life cycle phase in 2017.

ABB has conversion tools available to evolve SattCon 200 to System 800xA, with proven use in several large plants.

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