800xA Process Graphics
Process Graphics provide operators with a much improved and cleaner process view. In the current package, Process Graphics 2, numerous enhancements for the display and graphics engineering have been made.
Better image quality for process operators
System 800xA process graphics not only provide graphics builders with better engineering tools, they give process operators a much-improved image to view. True vector graphics enable scaling with maintained resolution. This effect is especially appreciated when operators need to scale-down graphic image windows to fit several onto one screen.
Process graphics should convey a good and representative illustration of the process flow. Their design should support pattern recognition and highlight the most important information for the operator. All information essential to monitoring and operating the process must be presented and grouped in a structured manner that supports the operators’ tasks.
The amount of information must be balanced between the need for content (purpose of the single graphical page) and legibility (simplicity of presentation).