The Security and Access Control System allows audit of operator actions and security. The system supports logging of security events, configuration changes, and operator actions to the process.
The 800xA Audit Log contains the following information:
- Date and time for the operation
- Node from which the operation was performed
- User name of the individual performing the operation
- Type of operation
- Object, property or aspect affected by the operation
- Additional information from the involved aspect system
The audit log is protected against modifications, if 800xA (via Windows security) is configured with adequate access restrictions.
As a complement to the audit logging available in the Windows system, the security and access control system in the 800xA System allows audit of more process control-specific activities such as modification to process graphics & downloads to controllers.
The 800xA Audit event list is user configurable to either show more information, or to filter out specific events from the complete event list.