ACS880 liquid-cooled drive modules

Compact and flexible solution

For demanding applications, where the requirements on reliability and availability are high, where the compactness and footprint of the drive cabinet is decisive, or where the environment is harsh, the new generation ACS880LC liquid-cooled drive modules offer an excellent match with the demand. The new ACS880LC module offering has a wide power range and includes a significant number of options, which enables a comprehensive offering for process optimization, uptime, reliability and provides modifiable solutions for almost any need.

The new ACS880LC drive modules offer several benefits compared with its predecessor, including up to 46% higher power density and 40% less weight. We have also ensured that the new drive is extremely reliable, by using design with even 40% less components than the previous generation modules it replaces and by performing extensive accelerated lifetime testing to meet high reliability targets.



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Drive modules portfolio
Support and integration

The liquid-cooled modules are optimized for compactness and bring the possibility to build up more compact drive cabinets than ever before. This is achieved through innovative design which features an efficient liquid cooling concept. As a result, the modules in the ACS880LC offering are very compact and have high output powers.

As the ACS880LC modules have Marine type approvals from all major Marine classification bodies and have been proven to be very robust in extensive type testing programs, it makes this offering perfectly suitable for the Marine segment, where the requirements on footprint, compliance and quality are very high.

The ACS880LC drive modules are designed to be installed into totally enclosed cabinets or enclosures as practically all heat losses are conducted into the cooling liquid. This means that there is no need to invest in additional air conditioning devices or air ducts in the electrical room. By using liquid-cooled drives, heat losses can be transferred outside from the electrical room. This is a major benefit when comparing liquid-cooled drives to air-cooled drives, as the total investment cost, compared to using traditional air-cooled drives, can be lower. Liquid-cooled drives also offer a solution where existing air-cooling capacity in an existing electrical room is not enough for new drives installations, for example in retrofits or capacity expansions. The liquid-cooled drive can also be used as a part in a heat recovery system in Process Industry. The heat losses, which are transferred from the drive to the coolant, can be reused to reduce the overall cost of primary energy. 

The concept with totally enclosed cabinets is an ideal solution for environments, e.g. in Marine segment and Process Industries like Pulp & Paper and Metals industries, where humidity, high ambient air temperatures, dust or corrosive gasses may exist. By using totally enclosed cabinets, higher uptimes and shorter plant shutdown periods can be achieved. 

Totally enclosed cabinets are especially ideal for extremely harsh environments e.g. in Mining, Tunnel-boring or any outdoor application. The totally enclosed cabinets can have very high ingress protection ratings and the drive modules can be mounted even into explosion-proof enclosures to be used in hazardous areas. This is especially useful in e.g. underground Mining applications. In addition, the compact modules can be mounted into enclosures with a low height which fit into limited space, which can be a requirement in these applications. 


The ACS880LC modules product portfolio includes a wide range of different products to suit all typical needs in common-DC systems, or multidrives, where several motors form a part of a single process. A multidrive typically has one common supply unit (rectifier) which converts AC to DC and feeds a common-DC bus. There are several inverter units, controlling their own motors, connected to the common DC-bus and other optional units, like brake choppers or DC-DC converters, can be connected according to needs. The energy circulates over the common-DC bus, enabling braking energy to be reused and not all energy is taken from the supply network.

This concept enables energy and cost savings, including savings in cabling, installation, and maintenance. The modules can optionally be equipped with DC-switches making it possible to isolate a unit from the DC-bus. This complete offering is an optimal solution especially for the Marine segment, as the products support DC-distribution which is typically used in hybrid and fully electrical systems in vessels. The offering includes support for shaft-generators, energy storages, off-grid networks, shore-to-ship supplies, and can control practically any motor. The modules can also be used to build standard single drives by using one supply unit and one inverter unit to control one motor. 

The liquid-cooled modules portfolio includes:

  • ACS880-104LC inverter modules (INU) – state of the art motor control DTC for practically any motor type
  • ACS880-204LC IGBT supply units (ISU) – fully controllable low-harmonic and regenerative supply unit, which can also be used as a grid converter
  • ACS880-304LC+A018 and ACS880-304LC+A019 diode supply units (DSU) – two alternative non-regenerative rectifier units, a half-controlled diode supply unit with inbuilt thyristor charging (for charging of capacitors in modules connected to the DC-bus) and a very compact uncontrolled diode-diode rectifier unit
  • ACS880-604LC brake choppers and dynamic brake units (DBU) – decelerating of motors by resistor braking
  • ACS880-1604LC DC-DC converters (DDC) – energy transfer between the common-DC bus and an external energy storage to enable energy savings, peak shaving, stability, or back-up power in critical applications and for hybrid or fully electrical systems 
For panel builders, System Integrators and OEMs who want to manufacture the drive panels or cabinets by themselves and want to purchase the equipment from a reliable and experienced supplier with product and service availability around the world, ABB provides a wide product portfolio of drive modules and installation accessories.

ABB has developed extensive technical support for module integration and cabinet building design, including a web portal with detailed installation instructions, 3D models, reference designs, part drawings, circuit diagrams, animations, and installation videos. All of this is free of charge.

In addition to the available support material, ABB can provide deep technical training and assists in the panel engineering process. This extensive support will secure a high quality of the drive panels, or cabinets, and the design. 

The modules can be integrated into standard 400mm, 600mm or 800mm wide cabinets, ensuring that you will find the most optimal and compact cabinet combination to fit into the installation space. The mechanical design concept also supports installation into any kind of enclosure, as it includes generic installation accessories which can flexibly be utilized for installation into tailor-made enclosures.
 Product feature Customer benefit
In addition to the modules, ABB provide extensive support for cabinet design and manufacturing.
  • Cabinet engineering and manufacturing is less demanding and less time-consuming
In addition to the modules, ABB offer an extensive selection of mechanical and electrical installation accessories.
  • The time and effort needed for cabinet engineering and manufacturing can be reduced by using ready-made parts and design.
  • The installation accessories for the ACS880 liquid-cooled modules have been thoroughly tested by ABB. This help to build high quality cabinets
The mechanical accessories offering includes support for liquid cooling systems.
  • The most important materials for cooling circuits such as pipes, connectors, valves, heat exchangers, coolant, and assembly instructions, are available from ABB
  • You don’t need to be a plumber to manufacture Your own cooling system
Full cabinet designs are available for Rittal VX25 cabinet system. 

Generic installation accessories are also available, for any other kind of enclosures.
  • Easier integration of modules especially into Rittal VX25 cabinets
  • The generic accessories help to integrate the modules into any kind of enclosure
Detailed support documentation for cabinet design and manufacturing is available in a dedicated web portal.

All support documentation is free of charge.
  • All required panel building information in one place

  • Use Your time for adding value – not for searching for information

The dedicated web portal includes complete 3D models, which are available in universal STEP (.stp) file format Gives you the possibility to decide whether to:
  • buy ready-made installation accessories from ABB, or
  • Manufacture the needed parts yourself by using the modifiable 3D models
Marine type approvals for modules from DNV-GL, ABS, LR, BV, CCS and RMRS (KR pending).
The mechanical installation accessories from ABB fulfil marine vibration requirements.
  • Simplifies the process for panel builders to get marine product certifications for their cabinets when type approved modules and tested accessories are used.
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