Reducing energy costs and increasing uptime

In water and wastewater treatment facilities, cost and reliability are the key performance indicators. By applying ABB’s expertise, municipalities can implement more stable and economical processes that lower energy consumption, reduce waste, and minimize disturbances and downtime, resulting in a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for their facilities.

Energy consumption often accounts for up to 50% of total operating costs for municipalities. Motors, which consume large amounts of energy, are an obvious target for improvement. Process disturbances, which can add unplanned and unwelcomed costs, are also a target. Leveraging variable frequency drives (VFDs) in pumping, aeration and other relevant applications can reduce energy consumption and provide consistent, smooth operation, which can translate into significant cost savings. Additionally, this operational consistency improves uptime and reliability, which has an impact on the facility’s ability to meet environmental and regulatory requirements.

Successful operation in a water or wastewater treatment plant can be highly dependent on the motors, drives and automation system you use. Working with a knowledgeable partner who has industry expertise and products, and provides 24/7/365 technical support can translate to optimal results. ABB’s world-class solutions can help you optimize the most important key performance indicator for water utility assets: Total Cost of Ownership.

Who you choose matters.

Wasted energy is wasted money

ACQ580 drives linked with ABB's measurement devices and remote monitoring solutions, enable better control of your processes. Specific pump functionality within the ACQ580 provides easily-accessible data about energy consumption and reliability.

If you're interested in digging deeper to find areas with the greatest potential to increase energy savings, ABB experts can provide assessments and make recommendations.

Product cost is just the tip of the iceberg

When considering any investment, it’s important to note that the initial purchase price for equipment is often just the tip of the iceberg. The real impact on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) comes from operating expenses, and sometimes even more importantly, from downtime costs incurred when you’re not running as a result of breakdowns or other interruptions.

Leverage ABB expertise for your success

ABB is an industry leader when it comes variable frequency drives, harmonic mitigation, bearing currents, and more. Leverage our industry expert water and wastewater channel partners to achieve the most efficient and effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Experts will work closely with you to address existing operational challenges as well as to develop proactive strategies, such as preventive maintenance, that will keep your facility running smoothly well into the future. If unexpected issues do occur, leverage our free 24/7/365 technical support to get things back to normal as quickly as possible.

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