E-mobility Service Offering

Secure the availability, performance and safety  of your electric vehicle fast  chargers


Empowered by connectivity

ABB’s E-mobility Service Offering enables fast and reliable remote troubleshooting improving first-time right repairs and reducing travelling costs.


Global support and availability

ABB backs up its SLAs with local, regional and
global teams of experts, all easily accessible.


Large installed base footprint and service centers

By leveraging on one of the largest EV chargers installed base and providing services to the biggest charge point operators, ABB Charger Care SLA can benefit any business model and size offering the same service level to any installed base size.


E-mobility Service Level Agreements

Charging infrastructure must operate with the highest utilization and lowest downtime.

ABB’s service level agreements meet that demand, incorporating a decade of experience with thousands of intelligent fast chargers deployed across the globe.


Service ensures operational excellence

Operational excellence starts with reliable chargers. ABB’s family of EV chargers are modularly designed to withstand heavy operation under rugged conditions. In addition, ABB’s fast chargers are the easiest in the market to service, with 24/7 connectivity for remote diagnostics, and accessible designs that expedite maintenance and field service.


High uptime means high utilization

ABB’s service level agreements optimize charger uptime for faster remote and on-site response times, from the industry’s most experienced service team – committed to customer success.

Charger Support Request Response Time (CSRT)


Response time is defined as the maximum allotted time requested for ABB to respond to customer inquiries, acknowledge receipt by the EV charging service team, and begin the remote troubleshooting process.

Remote Diagnostics Response Time (RDRT)


Remote Diagnostic Response time is defined as the maximum allotted time requested for ABB to provide remote response after receiving a charger support request. In cases where the charger error is flagged as a level 3 issue and the support issue must be elevated to the Global Service Desk, the final response time may be delayed.

Deployment Time of On-site Service (DTOS)


Deployment time is defined as the amount of time after the remote diagnostic response process is complete to the dispatching of an engineer/tech to site. If the issue cannot be resolved via remote support and it is mutually agreed that on site support is needed; and spare parts are either at site or confirmed for delivery to site, then ABB authorized service personnel will be dispatched to be on site. The timing of site work must also be mutually agreed upon.


Enabling your charging operation through intelligent connectivity, and Connected Services and Web Tools

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Charger connectivity enables remote service and support. Through ABB’s robust platform, our customers have 60% of their service cases solved remotely resulting in very short response times and substantially reducing downtime. Connectivity allows remote software updates including charging protocols, user interface enhancements and back-end solutions for minimal field intervention as well as future-proofing software.

ABB Web Tools provide an online web interface that gives charging infrastructure operators and fleets with real-time status information and usage statistics on their equipment. Owners can gather detailed session statistics, configure chargers according to their preferences and obtain valuable insights through charger usage statistics. All charge session data can be exported and managed directly from this user-friendly application.






Service options for every charging site

Charging infrastructure backed by a warranty must offer the highest utilization and lowest downtime. ABB’s warranty services are enhanced by remote and real-time connectivity to ensure seamless operation and longest equipment lifetime.

When integrated to ABB Connected Services platform and under a Service level agreement, ABB can provide 24/7/365 network monitoring, remote updates, troubleshoot and onsite service within predefined response times.


Main features and key benefits 

  • Highest uptime and reliability by adequate preventive maintenance.
  • Operational savings by remote monitoring, trouble shooting and repairs without site visit.
  • Quick on-site repairs by remote diagnosis, modular design, and local spare parts availability.
  • Repairs are exclusively performed by ABB certified personnel. This could be ABB’s service organization, or the service organization selected by the customer after training and certification by ABB.
  • Training modules are available for end-users, customer care personnel and service engineers. Trainings can be hosted at customer location on request.
  • Clear communication and case tracking via ABB Web tools.
  • Over-the-air software updates and upgrades will be installed on all chargers covered by a SLA.