Rail Live 2019

Place and date

Station Road, Warwickshire, United Kingdom


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Rail Live is the most comprehensive outdoor event for the rail industry where you can – Meet 6,000+ visitors representing all aspects of the rail industry Connect with 250+ exhibitors, giving you access to the leading rail suppliers in the UK and Europe See upwards of £0.5 billion of rail plant equipment on display and in live demonstrations Access the latest innovations from within or outside the industry - in a dedicated Innovation Zone Attend the only event in the UK to have rolling stock on display in a real-world environment - for unrivalled opportunities for product evaluations and decision making Evaluate thousands of products on display in one place, including live plant demos - allowing ‘back-to-back’ comparisons, saving time and money

The only exhibition bringing the entire rail industry together in a real railway environment


Contact Information

David Watton
Mobile: 07880 557171
Email: david.watton@gb.abb.com