Place and date

13th International Railway Fair, Gdańsk International Fair, ul. Żaglowa 11, 80-560 Gdańsk , Poland


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TRAKO is the largest and most prestigious rail industry meeting in Poland and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. A presentation of the state of the art in transport systems and railway infrastructure in Poland, Europe and round the world. The Fair takes place every two years.

TRAKO is the perfect opportunity to promote rail transport (trains and trams), freight forwarding and logistics, to present the latest technologies and hold meetings within the industry.

The event is accompanied by an extensive programme which includes debates, numerous seminars, company presentations and TRAKO Career Day.

The Organisers, Partners and Exhibitors together support the needs of children suffering an illness within the charitable action TRAKO for Children which began in 2003.

TRAKO also means The World of Small Railway, the Exhibition of Models complements the Fair’s agenda with an important railway-popularising element, not only among professionals.


Contact Information

Anna Czyż