Energy management at Mayr-Melnhof board mills

Using ABB software to manage energy, water, chemicals, compressed air, production and quality data and statistics helps connect facilities across the countries and optimize their energy use.

The Mayr-Melnhof Cartonboard Group is the leading producer of recycled cartonboard within Europe and world-wide. In 2001, ABB delivered mill-wide energy management systems to several Mayr-Melnhof board mills in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Slovenia.
Mr. Johan Maier, responsible for energy and water management at Mayr-Melnhof:
“We use the system to manage energy, water, chemicals, compressed air, production and quality data and statistics. The ABB system represents our connection between local processes and offices, and provides a handy instrument for optimizing the process and detecting failures more easily. We are happy with the system and have also ordered software version upgrades in order to obtain further benefits”


Industry: Pulp and paper

Company: Mayr-Melnhof Cartonboard Group

Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Slovenia

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