Industrial energy monitoring and reporting software

Module 1: Monitoring & reporting   |   Module 2: Forecasting & planning  |  Module 3: Energy optimization

Improve energy efficiency, ESG compliance and productivity

An online platform for monitoring, automated reporting against targets and decision support
  • bring transparency over energy consumption and sustainability performance
  • influence organization and routines around continuous improvement of energy efficiency
  • achieve and maintain ISO 500001 certification

Covers multiple energy
types and emission

Sets benchmarks following
your process areas & asset

Triggers alarms for
non-intuitive consumption
patterns (AI/ML)

Makes improvement
potential visible
in real time

Reference examples

Large global
cement producer

  • 50-100 MW plant
  • up to 10’000 TPD plants
  • Energy monitoring of cement and captive power plant
  • Power quality (current, frequency, voltage), losses (distribution, transformer) & single line diagram
  • Fuels & calorific energy usage

Large and modern
underground mine

  • Monitoring, reporting for HQ, several mines and harbors
  • Increase energy and operational efficiency
  • Enable reduction of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide

Large metal plant > 1 mtpa steel  production

  • Online and automated reporting of all used energy types
  • Transparency to energy consumption and cost structure
  • CO-gases, process steam, district heating, Compressed Air, LNG

Paper mill

  • Energy meters installation for monitoring at right granularity
  • Alarms to avoid peak loads as per contract with local utility
  • Enable detection of energy saving opportunities, raise efficiency

Learn more

Measuring energy consumption of equipment is the basis for energy efficiency improvement in the industrial plants

User interface

Energy Monitoring and Reporting module of the ABB Ability™ Energy Management System (EnMS) for industries software analyzes the use of energy and utilities to calculate energy efficiencies and carbon emissions. It provides visual tools to support energy efficiency improvement actions by quickly and accurately indicating actual performance and comparing it with set targets.

Some examples of the performance reports are:

  • Consumption and cost of utilities per hour/day/month/year, by individual and aggregated users
  • Consumption and cost of utilities per end product unit
  • Analysis of load profile and peak demand
  • Benchmarking (comparing current performance against the past)
  • Rating energy performance against targets

Tools and information are available to all authorized users with access to your company network. Graphics, trends, and other display elements are fully configurable from the user client.

Users can implement application specific calculations using interactive calculation tool and the system is integrated with Microsoft Excel to automatically populate your spreadsheets with relevant information.

  • Measured energy consumption
  • Costs and energy efficiencies
  • Setting targets for energy consumption
  • Monitoring actual performance against targets
  • Uniform report and display templates
  • Customer specific reports and process displays
  • Analysis tools to analyse energy consumption
  • Alarms to alert operators to take action
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