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ABB Ability™ Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) Services - Software Development Kit (SDK)

Be part of the power

Knowledge is important for every company. So why not share it? Our ABB Ability™ MOM Services Software Development Kit (SDK) for applications development is dedicated to all people with influence in the industry who strive for smart solutions contributed by Industrial Productivity Apps.

ABB Ability™ MOM Services and the tool kit to develop software applications as well as the ready-made features and functions is at the heart of our ABB Ability™ Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) offering. These tools ensure that partners in the industry can build their domain expertise applications, easy and cost effective. Day by day this tool kit provides new software solutions, applications and new short cuts, since the infrastructure is made for sharing. Instead of focusing on keeping it all in its own territory, from now on, the industry is sharing new applications and tools, thereby optimizing the resources and minimizing the risk and costs.
  • Together we are stronger
    This is the main idea - what benefits one industry is likely to benefit the next. 
  • Easy to get started
    A Windows developer understands the concepts and are up to speed in just a few hours.
  • Reduced development costs
    Using all built in standard features of ABB Ability™ MOM Services framework.
  • Reduces maintenance/life cycle costs
    Because of the standardized framework and different built-in software deployment tools – a part of ABB Ability™ MOM Services.
  • One common UX across all software applications
    One of the four models in ABB Ability™ MOM Services, View, ensures users can benefit from one common modern UX across all applications. 


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