LEAP - Life Expectancy Analysis Program

Discover the Predictive Maintenance Program for SACE New Emax, X1 and Emax 2.

LEAP is the new predictive diagnostic analysis program for new generation of ABB Air Circuit Breakers.
Investing in prevention of failure, rather than living with its consequences, such as loss of production and possible violation of health and safety legislation, is a primary concern for many businesses. Successful prevention of failure can make the difference as to whether or not a company manages to retain its long-term competitiveness.

The aim of LEAP is to give the customer a complete report, which shows the device’s health before and after the Field Service Engineer’s intervention, with very important suggestions about future maintenance activities. The complete analysis is generated by ABB’s sophisticated and patented software.

Learn more about the LEAP program

LEAP easy audit
LEAP audit
LEAP stand alone
Online and free Predictive Maintenance Program

The customer, after an online registration (LEAP EASY AUDIT), receives a user ID and a password to access a special online section of LEAP tool.
The customer inserts a few pieces of information about the circuit-breaker (i.e. number of operations, its application and the environmental conditions, etc…).
The result is an emailed health analysis of the circuit-breaker. The Report is developed on a purely theoretical and statistical basis in order to have an estimation of the circuit-breaker’s health and to highlight the LEAP tool’s potential.

Register here for an Easy Audit!

ABB Service for the AUDIT program

An ABB Service Sales representative will visit the customer’s site to perform surveys and obtain a more accurate LEAP analysis.
By using the data from the trip unit (with Ekip Connect SW) and a few pieces of manually acquired data about the application and the circuit-breaker operating and environmental conditions, it is possible provide a detailed Report with the LEAP Software.
The customer receives the Report via email with the real time circuit-breaker status health.

The report is generated with all the information acquired in the field, the four colored areas represent increasing ageing of the circuit breaker have different sizes according to the applications, the environment and the conditions of use.

Register here for a complete audit!

ABB Field Service Engineer performs a maintenance activity at the customer’s site. The customer receives a complete Report with all the information about the installation conditions and the list of maintenance activities performed.

The aging curve, which is included in all LEAP reports, shows the status of the circuit-breaker pre and post intervention. The report also contains a list of recommended future maintenance actions.
LEAP, integrated into the Preventive Maintenance Program (PMP), is the best solution for the customer.

Targeted and scheduled maintenance provides the customer with immediate evidence of the added value of ABB based service. The graphic representation shows how each maintenance activity has improved the life of the circuit-breaker throughout the course of time.
Customers can minimize costs by extending the device’s life cycle and thereby reducing the risk of unscheduled outages and unwanted shutdowns.

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