Digitalization is changing the way energy is managed, where detailed metering and monitoring of the entire electrical system is essential in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency.
In the live webinar our experts will show you ABB intelligent solutions to digitalize your electrical distribution system and make it more efficient, smarter, safer and more sustainable with minimum effort.
Join us to learn:
- how the new technologies are changing the world
- how market trends, Standards and Certifications are requiring energy efficiency improvements in electric installations (ISO 50001 and IEC 60364-8-1)
- the importance of measurement accuracy, Power Quality analysis, devices connectivity, installation monitoring and predictive maintenance
- ABB low voltage solutions for smart metering and for local and remote monitoring
- how to design and build a new smart switchgear
- how to upgrade and update existing installations
- application examples
Choose the time that is most convenient for you:
Wednesday, September 23rd
* By registering to this event your giving your consent to receive offers and updates on products, service and events from ABB and give consent based on ABB’s Privacy Policy.
For more information, visit the webpage Smart metering and monitoring
Kind regards,
Aleksandar, Davide and Alberto