Smart Metering and Monitoring

The winning choices to make your distribution system more efficient

Digitalization is quickly changing the way energy is managed, from the integration of renewables into smart grids, up to the emerging demand for smart buildings.

Improved energy efficiency is the key answer to allow the future growth of the building and infrastructure sector, which is responsible for 40% of global energy usage and high CO2 emissions.

In this scenario, detailed metering and monitoring of the entire electrical system is essential in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency. New and coming standards require high-accuracy monitoring of all electrical parameters and power quality in many acquisition points.

ABB smart solutions for metering and monitoring are flexible and grant a 7% improvement in energy efficiency, ensuring access to LEED Certifications and allowing a payback time of less than 3 years.

Furthermore, you can connect your facility to the cloud in 10 minutes, start monitoring the entire electrical system and satisfy demanding new international standards and regulations.

Key Values

Class 1 accuracy according to IEC 61557-12
Interconnectivity by several native communication protocols
Contribution to 3/9 LEED categories
Reduction of electricity cost by up to 20%

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