Training in machine safety

Are you building machines for sale or for your own use? Are you a user of machines? Are you working with automation of production plants or do you make technical evaluations of machines prior to purchase? Regardless of the purpose there is a need of knowledge of requirements and regulations concerning machine safety.

It can be difficult for each individual company to keep track of all new regulations and how they should be applied. We have extensive experience in the practical application of standards and regulation from both authorities and manufacturing operations. We are represented in standardization organizations which decide on European and International standards on machine safety and we have the knowledge of safety requirements in different countries.

We can provide the training you need to construct machinery that meets the requirements. Example of subjects:

  • Practical implementation of the requirements in the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
  • Risk assessment – in theory and practice
  • Safety in control systems, standards EN ISO 13849-1 (PL, Performance Level) and EN 62061 (SIL, Safety Integrity Level)
  • Our products such as Pluto safety PLC, Vital safety controller, safety relays and light beams/curtains.

Contact your local sales office to find out what trainings we can offer in your area.