Open letter to the American inland marine market

Business area

ABB Marine & Ports


Edward Schwarz


954 224 8680



September 01, 2018


USA Towboat Company

123 River Road


Those who desire status quo are quickly surpassed by those who are open-minded and not fearful.

Dear US Towboat Owner,

Aging fleets, falling contract rates and increased operating costs due to new regulations require major decisions that will have a long-lasting impact on the growth or even survival of your business.  As a result, you are faced with some very difficult decisions about the future investments of your fleet.  One such critical question to consider is should I build new vessels and, if so, what type of a vessel?  

After extensive research of the US Inland Market (including a review of the power consumed by over 500 US towboats for 1 year) ABB Marine & Ports in America has developed a diesel electric propulsion solution, the ETB (Electric Tow Boat). The ETB, designed specifically for US inland requirements, will help vessel owners comply with new regulations and, at the same time, reduce non-value operating costs thus improving your competitiveness and profitability.   


Some ABB ETB highlights include:


  • No need for Tier 4 engines - typically a cheaper EPA solution without the need for urea
  • Standardized engines for different HP vessels-the same engines can be used across the whole fleet
  • Significantly less engine maintenance costs – due to running generators at ideal load and RPM
  • High efficiency through a wider design pointsignificant reduction in fuel costs- up to 30% savings
  • ABB US serviceABB US service group is trusted with some of the world’s highest day rate vessels
  • Redundancies eliminate single point failure- increased vessel operational reliability then today


I have met with many inland vessel owners and shipyards about our research and have received positive feedback.  I would also like to share my findings with you.  If you are interested in learning more about our ETB solution and how we can support you in both driving down your CAPEX and OPEX costs, please visit our website and/or let me know when we can talk. 

A smooth sea never made a skilful sailor but together with ABB we can navigate through the rough seas!

Edward Schwarz                             

VP Sales, New Builds                     

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