MV outdoor vacuum reclosers

Single and three phase reclosers up to 38 kV, 16 kA and 1250 A for outdoor pole mount or substation installation.

Reclosers are predominantly located on the distribution feeder, though as the continuous and interrupting current ratings increase, they are seen in substations, where traditionally a circuit breaker would be located. Reclosers have two basic functions on the distribution system: reliability and overcurrent protection. 

ABB reclosers have over 15 years of proven field performance incorporating innovative technology and unique ABB expertise, including embedded sensors with the highest accuracy and least environmental sensitivity in the market. And with multiple controller options, ABB reclosers are designed to continually meet and exceed the growing demands of power distribution. 

Why ABB?
  • Increased reliability - the highest creep distance among the recloser poles on the market ensures long-term performance in any environment 
  • Unparalleled performance - the HCEP (Hydrophobic Cycloaliphatic Epoxy) material of the poles provides the best insulation for outdoor use, shedding water and debris, thus reducing the probability of flashovers even in heavily polluted areas 
  • Simple, fast and safe maintenance as all the electronics are in the low voltage unit, eliminating the need for a bucket truck to isolate potentials to service electronics 
  • Easy integration with multiple controller options, including the PCD, RER615, RER620 and SEL-651R, to accommodate any grid modernization application

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