Structure mounted outdoor switchgear (SMOS)

Outdoor compact substation module for railway applications

ABB Structure Mounted Outdoor Switchgear (SMOS) integrates all the elements needed to safely protect and operate the supply sections of overhead lines. Designed to meet the unique requirements of outdoor rail applications, ABB’s robust, modular SMOS range is built to withstand arduous conditions while being easy scaled to facilitate narrow, restrictive environments. ABB offers a single- or two-phase outdoor module with vacuum breaker for AC railway power supply up to 27. 5 kV, 2000 A, 50/60 Hz.

SMOS are assembled and pretested in an ABB factory, fitted with FSK II breakers, a motor-operated disconnect function and hand-operated earthing switches. This significantly reduces site works and commissioning time by allowing the handling of multiple sites in parallel. In addition, they are easy to transport within a standard gauge. 



  • Optimized lead time, simple logistics and low transport cost
  • Simple and quick installation, commissioning and reduced wiring work on site
  • Reduced downtime and minimal disruption of revenue service
  • Mitigated risk due to delays and errors
  • Simplified planning and project duration
  • Increased land savings and less civil works

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