Standardize your plant and modernize obsolete panels - from most manufacturers - using ABB MV breakers, that can be included in the maintenance budget (Opex - Operating Expenditure). Reuse the same breakers without any modification during the next substation renewal when you are ready for full switchgear replacement (Capex - CAPital EXpenditure). Here is a guide to the flexible OneFit retrofill packages and additional options to optimize your investment.
What everybody ought to know about Retrofit
Circuit breaker retrofit is a cost-effective switchgear modernization solution with various approaches, described in detail in "4 types of retrofit breakers: which one to choose?". The result is a noticeable improvement on reliability, safety, maintenance and performances.
See Figure 1.
Circuit Breaker Retrofill definition
CB retrofill is a modernization process including the replacement of the circuit breaker and some of the functional components of the power compartments. It is applicable where the existing switchgear frame is in serviceable condition. This includes a range of solutions supporting the switchgear upgrade when additional constraints are in place:
- other parts than the breaker (shutters, interlocks, etc.) need to be replaced;
- the original panel design does not allow to meet the features and standards required today.
See Figure 2.
What is special about ABB's OneFit Retrofill concept
OneFit is the latest ABB hard-bus retrofill design concept, embedding an integrally safe plug-in technology that allows to
easily connect the new breaker to a wide range of existing panels. OneFit is composed by a frame hosting the new circuit breaker. It is connected to the existing switchgear bushings by an additional power circuit, that acts also as inner interface with the new CB.
See Figure 3.
This solution balances the need for a retrofill solution with reasonably
limited site works and linked outage.
1. Existing panel
2. Copper Adaptation System
3. Insulating shell
4. Insulating plate
5. Basement
6. Shutter
7. Frame
8. ABB new
standard breaker
9. Door (on request)